Iconic phrases that all geek should know and use to demonstrate your value
The geeks retain an amount of information that sometimes seems incredible. We may not be consistent with putting the alarm or get the turkey out of the oven, but we know the order of all Star Wars films according to their release date and chronology in fiction. One of the things that a geek never forget is a good phrase, of those iconic with which we identify among us for what we are, Frykers. In today's article we remind you of some of the best geek phrases to use in your day to day and demonstrate that you are deserving of the name that is assigned to you.
May the force accompany you (by saying goodbye)
Perhaps it is one of the best known phrases in the Geek universe, and it is the one you will hear after making a purchase in our stores, because what better way to say goodbye to a real framework than with the mythical phrase of Star Wars?
This phrase was used by the Jedi to say goodbye when they were going to undertake a mission, it was a way of wishing the other person and also a sign of appreciation. In addition, it was always expected that the person to whom the phrase was directed, repeated it, as I love you Jedi. If a Jedi tells you "that the force accompanies you", your logical response should be "that the force accompanies you teacher."
What do my elf eyes see?
It is one of the funniest and most usability phrases of the Lord of the Rings, because you can imitate legolas perfectly in that scene every time you see something that surprises you. Although there are many more situations in which it could be used, such as when you do not see a pepper, or when you find two friends of yours ligand ... in short, the options are endless and the laughter of your friends will also be.
A wizard never arrives late, or soon: it comes exactly when it is proposed.
A very solemn phrase for all those late and clueless. Those who are late to their own parties, those of "Yes, yes, I will be there before" and appear half an hour later, and those who say that "I am already arriving" when they have just left the shower. For you this phrase is perfect, surely your friends forget your delay, because a geek never arrives late, or soon, it comes exactly when it is proposed.
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi ... You are my only hope"
Using a geek phrase is undoubtedly the best way to ask a friend, because how will he say no to that? If Obi-Wan crossed the galaxy to help Leia with that simple phrase, there is nothing you can ask for using it the same. Of course, accompany her with a sorrow face and a little theater to achieve the desired effect.
I will make an offer that I cannot reject
Do you need to ask your parents to leave permission? Do you want to propose a plan to your novi@? Are you going to haggle a little? This phrase is perfect for you. Give a little humor to your proposal, and thus will surely take off the other person, leaving him without another alternative than accepting your proposal.
"You will remember this day as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"
This phrase may seem very little useful, but as a way of singing victory is great. It is feeling at the top, having left a victorious situation and saying "You will remember this day as the day you almost catch Captain Jack Sparrow!", Because you can and point. Check out a bit of nose.
Tell them rum
Do you remember when Ron woke Harry in the middle of the night to tell him that I was not going to dance, crowded? Harry told Ron: Tell them. Well, the same. When the thing does not go with you or to escape a situation that is alien to you, you can get out of the passage with this phrase of Harry Potter that only the true Potterheads remember and you will leave everyone with their mouths open.
We hope that this post has helped you to make us a little more geeks or to laugh for a while, the case is to take life with humor and geek, what never fails.
These are some of the funniest phrases in the geek world, and if you did not know there are more fun things on our website, such as our fun t -shirts With the best parodies so you can boast in front of your friends.