3 Dragon Ball curiosities that you may not know

Today to commemorate such a special anime we wanted to rescue an article from our blog about the 3 curiosities of Dragon Ball and we have also added a fairly curious new.

In geek.es we bring you a small frikismo pill with some of Dragon Ball's most striking curiosities.

Our first and most curious fact is the physical change of a character throughout the series, it is possibly the character that has suffered the greatest aesthetic changes in an anime.

We talked nothing more and nothing less than Bulma, the Aguamarine hair girl who has sometimes been greener or sometimes more bluish ... her aesthetic changes in both peeled and stylization of her face has been able to pass a little unnoticed but if you see the images all together you will appreciate these reissues better.


Have you considered because it is called Dragon Ball Z to the second installment of the series?

It is said that initially Dragon Ball 2 would be called, giving way to the second installment of the adaptation of the manga, but the logo designer confused the "2" with a "Z" and thanks to that happy confusion the series was formed with the name as we know it today.

Finally, we want to leave you another curious fact, there are many attack techniques that Goku uses throughout history but there is 1 special skill that uses with all its enemies but it has possibly gone unnoticed by being more comic than effective.

We talk about the "bite" technique, as you will see in the image Goku does not spare to use their teeth to attack the enemy.

If you like Dragon Ball t -shirts We have the best parodies inspired by this famous anime.

How promised is debt, here we leave you a quite interesting fact about these supergueros.

Do you know why May 9 is Goku's official day?

In Japan to indicate a date first the month is appointed and then the day, and curiously the name Goku is identical to the pronunciation of this date "Go" / "Ku" and therefore, the company asked the Japanese Anniversaries Association to include Goku's Day on this indicated date.

A detail that would ignore many fans was when in the Cell tournament, a jacket that Goku carries includes numbers 5 - 9.

Have you noticed?

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