Alicia Sierra is one of the characters that enter the 3 season of the paper house, such as the inspector. It is interpreted by Najwa Nimri, who in turn acts as a criminal in the successful VIS A series. A mixture of identities that drives anyone crazy.
Alicia Sierra enters season three of the paper house as inspector, whose mission is to stop the robbery to the Bank of Spain. To prevent Sierra theft, take advantage of all the situations that are presented to make a dent in the team, using the dirty game if necessary. That makes it the bad poli of the series that is almost at the height of the robbers and does not tremble his pulse when enforcing justice. Because of this way of acting, he ends up throwing it from the police, and then Sierra becomes an obsessed justice with ending the teacher and his team, which in the end ends up joining.
The Sierra Camino for the series is very changing, just like its characters in the cinema. In Vis a Vis, a series in which he participated previously, Najwa Nimri plays Zulema Zahir, known for being the most dangerous intern of the Cruz del Norte prison.
Although the papers they interpret are different in appearance, in the two we see a calculating and intelligent Najwa. It seems that in his two characters he is able to get where he is without anything or anyone in front. It is rebellious. This may be the actress's own personality that comes to light in her characters or simply that Sierra and Zulema are similar people whose lives have gone along very different paths.
Be that as it may, Najwa Nimri falls in love in each of his papers and hooks us to the end.
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