Amazon Prime Video reveals the posters of the series of "The Lord of the Rings"

The entertainment platform has brought to light the poster of the desired series of the Middle Earth.



We know, we know you are so anxious to see the new series of The power ringsLike us, but there is less and less, you have to be patient. At the moment the platform Amazon Prime Video The faces of the posters that will be the presentation of the production have presented us this week; One more step.

The history of the Middle Earth will have 5 seasons About different prequels of the saga "The Lord of the Rings. This only means one thing; We have rings for a while and that we love here, in friking. ‘The power rings' brings together all the main stories of the Second age of the Middle Earth: The forge of the rings, the rise of the dark Lord Sauron, the epic legend of numbers and the last alliance of elves and men. Until now the public had only seen the history of the unique ring on the screen, but before one existed, there were several ... and we are excited to share this exceptional story of all of them, "they confirmed J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, production showrunners.

For its part J.A. Bayona, the director of the first two chapters and executive producer of the series, confessed that: "J.R. Tolkien created one of the most extraordinary and inspiring stories of all time and, as the great fan of the writer, it is an honor and a pleasure Never seen before".

We are not going to wait for you anymore and we leave you all the posters here, so that you give pleasure in your sight.

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