If something is true, the world of anime is booming. This means that the anime is in one of its best times in history. Not only has hearing in almost anywhere in the world, but has a quite diverse audience interested in the stories adapted from different sleeves or the new proposals.
One of the reasons why this boom is being carried out is the growth of streaming platforms, which translates as a change in the consumption habits of the audiovisual material. In addition, this was increased and accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
So that you understand better than we are talking about, we will start telling what anime is and where it comes from. So, get comfortable that we start.
Origin of anime
He Anime It is a genre of animation of Japanese origin characterized by a somewhat raw graphism and whose arguments frequently deal with fantastic or futuristic issues. The word anime is of French origin that means animated or alive, and that later the Japanese adapted to their language to refer to these cartoons.
Traditionally, the anime was drawn by hand and the processes digitally were very specific, such as touch -ups or assembly. However, with the growth of technology, the most common tasks in the production of animation are carried out digitally since these applications allow to help expedite the task of the cartoonists and provide greater control over the work done.
The anime has a direct relationship with the sleeve, since many stories of these animations are sleeve adaptations. Currently, manga is one of the most important industries in Japan, although the last years has suffered a remarkable decrease in sales due to anime boom, all this due to the immediacy and ease proposed by the Internet to consume entertainment.
Every great phenomenon has a small beginning, and in the case of anime, the beginning goes back to late 1910, when the first short films of these Japanese animations appeared. In principle, these shorts were inspired by American animation and in which folk and comic themes were addressed. The first short film was Namakura Gatana de Junichi Kouchi which was two minutes long and told the story of a man with his katana. Little by little, decade after decade, the duration of the short films was increasing.
The anime played a very important role in World War II, since Japan was involved in the war conflict, and animations would be used as a war propaganda. At the end of the war, Japan was occupied by the United States, which meant a deep economic crisis for the country. Although, in the course of that crisis, the manga industry and anime became popular in the country, and that was how it arose TOEI studies, pioneer in the animation of Japan and a key figure in the history of anime.
The 1960s and 1970s are characterized by the row anime boom thus giving the appearance of iconic anime such as Mazinger Z, and for this period, the popular series began to be broadcast Doraemon (1973). But it was not until the 1980s and 1990s that Japanese animation reached an international boom. This was the beginning of the dubbing of these series to English and Spanish, and that is when some cult series such as Dragon Ball, Óliver and Benji, or the Knights of the Zodiac.
In the 2000s the anime is already considered a massification due to the acceptance and the large base of acquired fans. Since then, very prominent series have been made such as Naruto, One Piece or Death Note, which are still based on sleeves of sleeves.
At present, the Japanese animation industry has a large production of series and films, becoming one of the main industries in the world of animation. One of the celebrities in the world of anime is Hayao Miyazaki, founder of the Studio Ghibli, one of the most respected studies by the public and the animation sector. Some of his best known films are Chihiro's trip or street castle.
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Manga and Anime Genres
In recent years, Japan has become fashionable and both young and not so young have a focus on the country as a cultural reference. The history of manga and anime is all the time in development and evolution, and that is why, over time they have emerged subgenres of culture. Stand out:
-Wick: This genre is characterized by its protagonists which are robots.
-Gekiga: It is a manga genre whose theme is adult and dramatic.
-Jidaimono: This genre is classic and set in feudal Japan.
-Yuri: love stories between girls.
-Yaoi: Love stories between boys.
-Gore: A genre with a high degree of violence, blood and terror.
-Spokon: It is a genre with sports theme.
-Nekketsu: In this genre, friendship and respect are exalted.
-Maho Shojo: The characters have powers or magical objects.
-Echi: Its content mixes humor with eroticism.
-Harem: The protagonists are usually a man and a group of women.
As we have said there is a genre of anime dedicated to the sports theme called Spokon, today we are going to tell you which are some of the best and why they are fashionable.
It all started with one of the best known anime, such as Óliver and Benji In 1983. This anime had such recognition that it extended from generation to generation until it became one of the most successful animated series in Europe in the 1990s and 2000s.
From then on there are many attempts to match the success of Tichi Takahashi, although none has managed to reach it. In 2008, he was released Inazuma Eleven, another football homonym that had a highlighting success in the generations of those years, even becoming in the background of the successful anime of the 83. This series keeps many similarities with the anime of Óliver and Benji, although giving a modern and original air to the predecessor. After this, numerous sleeves focused on other sports began to emerge.
Some cases of this are:
-Haikyuu!, That arises in 2014, and whose main argument is volleyball and the demand that the competition involves.
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-Kuroku no basket, in 2008 this manga arose, and in 2012 after the exist of the same they decide to adapt it to the screen thus emerging the anime. In this case, the protagonists of the plot are basketball, friendship and adolescence. The perfect formula to hook the viewer.
-Daiya no ace, in 2013 an anime would reach our screens that would be in charge of catapulting baseball towards the ranking of the best sports. This series shows us how young talents do not have it as it seems in other productions, since competition in the elite is maximum. This anime exceeded expectations thanks to the role of young Sawamura.
-Free!, another anime that gave visibility to a sport not as popular as football. On this occasion, swimming leaves a mark on its protagonists. This anime invites reflection on friendship, forgiveness and improving social relations through this aquatic sport.
Haikyuu! It is one of the most popular anime of the moment and that is why we have haikyuu t -shirts with original designs of the best parodies in our catalog.
It is true that in Spain a large number of anime that have marked the childhood of many generations has come to be issued, however, among the classics are some that did not get to curdle at the audience.
In our memories, we can find the usual ones such as Pokémon, óliver and Benji, Naruto or One Piece which have reigned in Spain to a devastating level. Although there are some who did not reap the expected success, not for lack of quality but rather to coincide with some of the most successful anime in history, which made the viewer's focus to them diverted.
Some of these "forgotten" anime could only broadcast some seasons without letting the anime finish since their audience peaks were not high enough to be able to renew their antenna broadcast. Although we do not like favoritism, we are going to review those who are the 3 best series that did not end their broadcast in our country:
-Digimon: This anime had a great initial success, however it did not issue more than 4 seasons. Character changes, temporary coincidence with their great competition, Pokémon, and many other factors led to the closing of the Takuya Kanbara series and their friends.
-Yu-gi-oh!: The world's most famous card game came to have merchandising levels even above the most classic anime, however, he did not finish his first series with Yugi Moto as the protagonist. Everything remained in a third season without a closed end. There was a second attempt with Yu-Gi-Oh! GX as a sequel, but it had the same fate as the first.
-Beyblade: We all keep a nice memory of this series, and it was another example of success at the merchandising level. However, at the television level he did not curdle and although his first season would endure until the end, his sequelae were not broadcast, which caused him to have a temporary continuity.
As we have said, we do not like favoritisms, we prefer that you are the ones who decide that it is the most like and what least, so in our catalog we have everything and for everyone. However, it is true that there is an anime list that everyone should see before dying, and although there are some who do not go with you, we will leave you our selection.
In the first place we have an anime that does not need a presentation, it is about Dragon Ball, a classic in our catalog and in the childhood of many of you. The story of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and others are already part of us with the different series such as Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super.
Another of our recommendations is the mythical series Pokémon. Ash and Pikachu, Pikachu and Ash. An unwavering friendship that taught us that what starts badly, well. We have all dreamed as Ash to be the best Pokémon coach in the world.
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Third, we have the most stubborn Ninja of all time that taught us that we have to fight for what is desired. We talk about Naruto, one of the most followed sleeves of all time, and that without a doubt, the one that has generated the most impact.
One Piece, we cannot tell you anything that you do not know the most watched anime in history. Luffy and company have come to face numerous dangers of the 4 seas and large line. Our protagonist shows us with his sympathy and his love for his friends a whole philosophy of life.
Although it is an anime with a recent premiere, we cannot deny that the story of Eren Yeager in Titans attack He is worthy of being among the greatest in history. An anime that has us in a unvoyer and whose outcome will we see it soon in next year, it is one of the chosen ones to see at some point in your life.
Another of the stories we have chosen is that of Kira and the paradox of being tried for causing the death of criminals and criminals through the death notebook. An idea contrary to all logic but that finds its explanation in the simple fact of seeking peace through terror. The police series Death Note It deserves to be among our selected to see before dying.
You know, you can't miss this anime for anything in the world, and moreover, we recommend that you do it well equipped, that's why we leave our designs of Death T -shirts with the best parodies.
The most watched anime of 2020 in 23 and is marking a whole generation. We talk about My hero academy, to which the persistence and tireless motivation to continue learning about the "gifts" and their strength to eradicate evil, make it a promise to be one of the most mythical series.
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Last but not least, the police series par excellence, Conan detective. The young student Shinichi Kudo will become the most important detective in Japan despite having a physical appearance of a 7 -year -old boy. Conan's intelligence and intuition will make innumerable cases resolve.
The growth of social networks and streaming platforms have caused the different anime productions to have added a considerable number of followers in recent years. Now seeing an anime series is much easier than before, anyone can look for the platform in which your favorite series is and catch up with the story.
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