A while ago that the classic proposition of the Hero as Salvador del Mundo And model to follow has died. Already with the Avengers we saw that the superheroes were also human, they were wrong and felt weakness. Now he is triumphing in the world of cinema a figure: The antihero.
Recently seeing the trailer of Morbius, the new Marvel project we ask, we have not seen this? Yes, it seems that UCM has realized the success that antiheroes are having at the box office and is reproducing the model vertiginously. Deadpool It was one of the first antiheroes we saw on screen. And what triumph. This was six years ago, and since then similar models have been repeated such as Venom (Another great success of Marvel) or the new Morbius, which promises not to leave anyone indifferent.
The idea is to present a protagonist, good person, sensible and charitable with others, that following an event that changes his life becomes a monster. The change with respect to other monster stories, is that he wants to do good, change the world or at least not destroy it. Being honest, this story catches, whoever is the protagonist. People like to see destruction and morbidity but also like a superhero.
One of the antiheroes that have also been very successful, is the Joker, a poor man with mental health problems that claims is really a change in society. It is not necessary to save anyone, rather kill people to get their ends, but their intentions are at the end are from Salvador de la Patria. Like the famous V vendetta, a social justice that hero has rather little but that he ultimately manages to create a change.
But why this claim for antiheroes in the cinema? Is it because the public is tired of seeing perfect protagonists and plastic heroes? We may want to see people like us, imperfect and human. Because we are tired of seeing representations of good and evil as absolute, reality is more complex than all that.
This already said Peter Parker in No Way Home, where we see him risking his life and that of those he loves to save all his enemies present and past. Does Marvel mean to us with this message? Could be. Of course it is undeniable that seeing the greatest Spiderman antagonists turned into good people with real problems, he liked it a lot. It may be that in the background the human being is inclined to goodness, and to the belief that people can change and that evil can be defeated even within oneself. The cinema is, as it has always been, A reflection of society.