Are you sure you know all the rules of the death notebook?

One of the most popular anime in the world and, perhaps, of the best police about television series continues to generate expectation. The phenomenon of Death Note still gaining adepts despite seeing the light in 2006 one of the most popular anime of the world and, perhaps, of the best police series on television continues to generate expectation.

The course of events, the cold war between Kira and "L" or the cold intelligence of Light Yagami They are some of the main ingredients of this successful production. However, many do not know exactly the rules of the Death Notebook on which the series revolves. But do not worry, here we expose the most important, in case one day it falls into your hands.

1. The people whose names are written in this notebook, will die.

2. This notebook will not work unless the writer has the person's face in his mind while you write the name. Therefore, people who share the same name will not be affected.

3. If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds following the person's name, so it will happen.

4. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.

5. After writing the cause of death, the details of death must be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

6. This notebook will become the property of the human world once touches the ground of it.

7. The owner of the notebook can see and listen to the Shinigami That was its original owner.

8. The human who uses the notebook will not be able to go to heaven or hell.

9. If the interval of 40 seconds after specifying the cause of death, as a heart attack is written the time of death, it can be manipulated, which may have an effect even before after 40 seconds from the moment of writing the name.

10. Any human who touches the Death Note, even if it is not its owner, can see and listen to the Shinigami who was its original owner.

11. The owner of the Death Note will be possessed by the original shinigami, until he dies.

12. Under normal conditions, a Shinigami will be shown before the person who uses the notebook within 39 days after the first use.

13. The Shinigami Original owner of the Death Note may not do, in principle, nothing that may cause or prevent deaths caused by the notebook.

14. Shinigami has the obligation to say all instructions for the use of the notebook or specify the rules that apply to the human that uses it.

15. A Shinigami can prolong his life expectancy writing humans in the Death Note, but a human does not.

16. A person can reduce their life expectancy through the notebook.

17. The human who holds the property of the Death Note can get Shinigami's eyes in exchange for half of his remaining life expectancy. With them, you can see the name and life expectancy of any person as soon as they see their face.

18. A Shinigami cannot die no matter how much he shoots in his head with a gun or his heart is crossed with a dagger. However, there are ways to kill them that Shinigami themselves do not know.

19. The conditions specified for death will not be fulfilled if they do not enter into the scope of the physically possible for the person or that are within the expected and reasonable acts they can do.

20. Shinigami are unaware of the scope and details of what is possible to specify as conditions of death, so one must weigh and find out individually.

21. A page torn from the Death Note or even a fragment, maintains all the peculiarities of the notebook.

22. Any writing instrument, while applying directly on the notebook and produces legible signs, is valid. They also serve cosmetics and blood.

23. There are many aspects about the Death Note that even its former owners, the Shinigami, do not know.

24. The notebook takes effect even if the cause and/or circumstances of death are previously detailed and then, before said text, the victim's name is written. The effective time limit for this is 19 days in the nomenclature of the human world.

25. Even someone who does not possess a Death Note, if he writes in his pages the name of a person whose true name and face meet, will achieve the same effect as if he were using it the holder.

26. Death Note will not take effect on any person who has lived less than 780 days (approximately 2 years, 1 month and 20 days).

27. Death Note will stop having effect on a person if, evoking his face, his name is written four times.

28. "Suicide" is a possible cause of death, since it is considered that practically all humans have the ability to take their lives and, therefore, does not enter into the "impossible."

29. Whether for suicide or by accident, it is not possible to involve and kill more people apart from that whose name has been specified in the notebook. Otherwise, the indicated person will die of a heart attack so that he does not cause the death of third parties.

30. Even after specifying the name, the time of death and circumstances of it, it is possible to change every time the time and circumstances are desired in the interval of 6 minutes and 40 seconds since it was written. However, even in those 6 minutes and 40 seconds, it is only possible to make changes before the victim's death.

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