Friday, March 4, that is the date marked in red for fans of DC and of Batman. That will be the day that the most anticipated delivery of the new will see the light Dark Knight, played by Robert Pattinson, and that will give life to the first steps of the masked superhero.
The film, directed by Matt Reason, will feature several villains that will get in the path of the watchman of the night and that will take out the worst of it. Some archoiemigos that have been in charge of confirming Warner Bross through the publication of images.
Hence Enigma, played by Paul Dano, and Penguin, played by Colin Farrel, are confirmed as the main production antagonists. On the other hand, for what we have been able to know, they do not look the same as in other deliveries of Batman, his appearance has been improved by the director, who wanted to give a dark touch to the delivery.
Enigma will wear a clothing similar to that of a serial killer, without any trace of green cat's suit as has been commonly known. Both the villains and the superhero are at the beginning of their walks, so their appearance is logical that it is different from that established in the most classic comics.
The great unknown is still in the Joker, who seems to have his minutes in the final moments of the film. There are still many questions in the air that will be resolved as the weeks go by, but it is clear that we are all eager for that March 4 to arrive.
If you like the dark gentleman, surely you will love the designs that we have left you just below this post.