The protagonist of the Netflix series could have a twin sister according to the latest indications.
There are many theories that have emerged over time about 4th season of Stranger Things But very few have had as much solidity as the last of them. Moreover, the vast majority of these assumptions are born from the impatience of fans, who want to satisfy their desire to solve the questions that remained in the air by their own foot.
However, we wanted to send you the one that seems to us the most based on facts and not in assumptions of nothing. After the publication of Last Teaser TraileR and the clues of David Harbor In social networks that we will explain now, everything seems to indicate that Eleven It could be a clone, if you want to see it otherwise, a twin sister.
The facts date back to the actor's Instagram account, when he changed his profile photo several times for that of two -time twins and turtles. Aim? Sowing doubt and uncertainty in our minds, when Harbor realized that the first captures were already circulating, his profile photo changed again so as not to leave the hook on.
That is why many wonder if this theory is related to their name. Eleven, that is, 1 and 1, that is, a double. However, it is true that in this series the theories and images that may appear momentarily have between little and nothing to do with what really happens. It ends up exploiting our heads and the opposite happens.
In short, everything points out that it will be a very interesting 4th season and that will leave us speechless. What we do want is for these months to pass quickly so that the summer of 2022 arrives and we can get out of doubt.
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