Do you know what Easter Egg are? Discover that they are and the most original.

Today they not only appear on video games, you can also find them in movies, books, web pages ... They are hidden messages that programmers hide, moreover, today they are used as marketing campaigns and their function is to surprise the user.


If you want to see an example you just have to get into Google and put ¨do Barrel Roll ¨ and see how fun it is.


For many brands to create an EASTER EGG is synonymous with a great client traffic on the web, you can say that you have hidden it but not give many clues. Thus it increases in time on the page and sometimes delights the client with a gift or discount.


As we have told you, they are used in different fields but today we are going to talk about the funniest.


The famous Coca Cola brand seems to always be in all marketing conversations, if you enter its page and want to see its code Fuentes this is what appears to you.



Original right? They will never stop surprising these from Coca Cola.


There are many pages that sometimes arrive at error 404, but one of them knew how to go and if you get to that error, a fun surprise appears, a kind of eat coconuts to forget the "mall time". The page in question is called Blue Fontain.




A page, for us little known, that sells doors in the United Kingdom, if you introduced the Konami code using the arrow keys (above, up, down, down, left, left, right, right, b, a) I redirected you to a series of iconic doors. From Harry Potter, to the Simpsons, through Jurassic Park, I even gave you the option to buy them. The truth is very original.



Like everything in this life, you have to look a lot at the competition and rapper Kaney West was not going to be less, when you entered its page if you gave the right button to visit source code, a design like the tail appeared but Kaney West himself appeared and the name of his creator. Judge yourself if it is a copy of what Coca Cola did.




Google has many Easter eggs but one in particular is, if you need to play the fate of face or cross and you don't have coins on top of all, Google does it for you, he simply writes in his search engine ¨ Lanzar a coin ¨ and the digital search engine will do it for you.


And to finish how it could not be less, if you get on Wikipedia and you put Easter Egg, an image of a rabbit appears with a hedgehog, if you click the image to the hedgehog …… to find out yourself.


Who knows if we ever, geek, fun t -shirts website will hide a Easter Egg.



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