Do you know which and where are the following manga rooms?

The world pandemic caused by COVID-19 has prevented the Manga rooms, that so many of us liked to attend, be suspended or postponed to a distant future.


However, it seems that everything is already returning to normal thanks to the massive vaccination that has been carried out in young people and adults. This will make it possible for these coexistence to be held again in the coming months and that we can talk about manga rooms that will be held, at least, in the short term.


After the success of Barcelona manga hall which took place from October 29 to November 1 and that of Murcia That took place between November 12 and 14, it seems that there is no risk that they can be suspended, as long as appropriate safety measures and hygiene measures are respected.


Thus, we review the next events that you have to aim on your agenda so that you do not stay with the desire to enjoy any of them.

Japan Weekend Valencia 2021

The first coexistence that comes to us is next Saturday 27 to Sunday November 28. The event of Pop Culture greatest in Spain in which we can find all its special guests, all the news of this year and all the information you need on the website of the event itself. Among them stand out The bled and Vulvarde, Wade Otaku either The fifth emperor, among youtubers. They will also be present Gema Vadillo, Xuri Fenton either Luca B. as the most outstanding illustrators.



Seville welcomes anime fans and comics once again. The tenth edition of this manga room will take place among the December 4 and 6 at the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of Seville From 10:00 to 20:00. You can enjoy a space of 22,000 square meters and, as in the Megafest Summer 2021 last summer, it will be necessary to respect the sanitary measures established by the City of Seville to attend. Tickets, as established by the official website of the event, will be between the 12 euros (one day entry), 20 euros (two days) and 24 euros (three days).


Special Madrid Otaku

One of the most classic coexistence of recent years and that was forced to modify its date on several occasions, is finally official that will be among the December 11 and 12. Due to the postponement, the organization communicated that those who buy the entrance for the previous dates, changed up to 4 times, will be equally valid for the latter. Therefore, the 2020 edition will see the light at the end of 2021, something unusual but we can celebrate.


Jerez manga room

One of the rooms that have been forced to be suspended in recent months due to the health situation, but already has 2 official dates for their next events. The first of them will take place among the April 23 and 24, 2022, in its spring edition, and between the September 17 and 18, 2022, in its summer edition. On their website, tickets cannot be acquired but they do report that as the event is approaching, they will give more information about the guests. 


Manga and Japanese Culture Hall of Alicante

Another of those who could not miss the appointment next year. Alicante's coexistence already has a date, it will be among the April 23 and 24, 2022. On their website they warn that they will try to overcome with respect to other years and you can see all the activities, guests and images of past editions. Without a doubt, another of our favorite corners given by the starting gun in 2011

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