For those who have not seen the film, I recommend that you see it because it has no waste, and for those who already know it, it is convenient to refresh the memory. Lilo and Nani are two young Hawaiians who are orphaned after the death of their parents in a car accident. Nani acts as a mother-father of Lilo in the absence of these, something that the young woman seems somewhat difficult, and it is not surprising, Lilo spends the day in her things and does not usually listen to her sister. Then there is a certain blue extraterrestrial that will become the pet and best friend of Lilo. And although Nani does not convince him much at the beginning, he will end up wanting him the same.
One is in Nani's room, where we can see on the wall a poster of a man surfing in which Duke puts. Later, in the "photo album" that is seen at the end of the film, a photo appears in which the characters pose happily next to the statue of Duke Kahanamoku, which is, in reality, on the beach of Waikiki in Honolulu.
When surfing for the first time, those who practiced it were natives of the Sanwich (Hawaii) islands that used a primitive wooden table and the strength of the waves. It was not only a sport, but to experience the sensations that caused them to be in contact with nature and get carried away by the sea. In Lilo and Stitch we see this same feeling that the Hawaiians have to surf, that way of understanding life and having fun. Surf lovers or not, you cannot miss this classic film that Disney gave us in 2002 and continues to leave a mark on our hearts.
Discover our parodies in Lilo and Stitch T -shirts.