Robert Downey Jr. It is, without a doubt, the icon after the mask of Iron Man and Tony Stark. We no longer conceive Stark with another face other than that of Downey Jr., it is more that we can never separate the two identities. But although it is hard to believe, he was not even the first option to interpret Marvel's well -known superhero.
Iron Man's first movie was the first produced entirely by Marvel and not by Paramount Pictures, as is the case of The incredible Hulk. Therefore, both producers and their director Jon Favreau, They wanted to put all their efforts to do something good. And what if it was good, that gave way to the whole Marvel saga that we know today. But for that reason when Robert Downey Jr. came out as possible main actor of Iron Man, They rejected first and forcefully. since Tony Stark, forgiveness, Downey Jr., -he is easy to be confused- had great problems with alcohol And he was not an actor to inspire seriousness.
Other great actors were on the list to play Iron Man. As, for example, Tom Brush, who declined the role for not being considered perfect for him. “They came to me at some point but ... when I accept something, I want to do it well. If I promise, it has to be done so that I know it will be something special. And as the project was being formed, I just didn't seem to work, ”said Tom Bruce on the subject. Also Nicolas Cage He was signed from the beginning for the paper, but had already signed for the leading role of Ghost Rider. Other names that were in that famous list of possible Iron Man, were Sam Rockwell -What later came as villain of Iron Man 2 or Hugh Jackman.
Luckily the director, Jon Favreau, entered reason and ended hiring Robert Downey Jr., Because I don't know what we would do now without him. Is I right? I'm right
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