As always from Geek we use humor how to formulate secret for the happiness of our clients and therefore we bring you this design tribute to one of the most important scholars of all time, the great Bender and his obsession with beer.
Although it should also be noted that we are a bit of geeks and everything keeps a logic and meaning within our humorous universe.
We leave you a little information about the famous formula of Einstein - E = mc²
Einstein's legacy: how Formula E = Mc² transformed the twentieth century
The iconic formula E = Mc², elaborated by the renowned Albert Einstein, not only completed his theory of special relativity in 1905, but also revolutionized our understanding of the universe. On the day we celebrated the birth of Einstein, BBC Mundo sat down to talk to Galfard, a distinguished student of Stephen Hawking, to explore the deep implications of this discovery for humanity.
Exploring a world before e = mc²
At the dawn of the twentieth century, our perception of the world was based on what we could observe, touch and feel through our senses. However, all this changed radically thanks to Einstein's advances and the opening of new domains of reality that went beyond what we could experiment directly.
Revealing the secrets of the small and the rapid
Einstein's discoveries in 1905 opened the doors to the worlds of the infinitesimal, the extremely fast and the highly energetic. These findings revealed that the laws that govern these dimensions were considerably different from our previous expectations.
Equation E = Mc²: The Union of Energy and Mass
In the heart of these revelations is the famous equation E = mc². In simple terms, this equation establishes that when something moves at an extremely high speed or has a large amount of energy, there is an intrinsic connection between energy and mass. In other words, energy can become mass and vice versa, which means that both are two sides of the same currency.
The amazing implications of E = mc²
This discovery allowed to explain a series of previously disconcerting phenomena, such as radioactivity, the brightness of the stars and the creation of all the atoms that compose us in the heart of the stars. Even atomic bombs arose as a result of these scientific revelations.
E = mc² and the geopolitics of the twentieth century
When we talk about atomic bombs, it is undeniable that e = mc² significantly influenced the geopolitics of the twentieth century. Historical facts show that the emergence of atomic bombs coincided with the end of World War II, altering the balance of power in the world in an unprecedented way.
A vision of the future of E = mc²
It is unlikely that e = mc² becomes obsolete in the future, unless fundamental changes in the nature of the universe or in space-time occur. Over the years, numerous experiments have confirmed the validity of this equation. We may continue to improve our approaches and details, but the equation in its essential form will continue to be an unwavering truth.
The equation in its complexity
It is worth mentioning that the real equation is a bit more complex than the famous e = mc², but the latter has become a symbol of simplicity and elegance of modern physics.