He Greater Link Adversary It is the main antagonist of most video games of the franchise.
It does not appear in each and every one of them, some even with greater or lesser presence than in others, but there is no person who does not know who it is Ganondorf. The lord of the dark is the one who makes life impossible for the good of Link in his attempt to save the Princess Zelda.
He is a member of the Gerudo, although he is part of the prophecy of the race in which a man is born every 100 years. Ganondorf's greatest desire is to get The trifuerza with the aim of getting the Kingdom of Hyrule once and for all, since he has tried several times through coups over the royal family. Although once he has obtained this power, his almost immortality cannot resist the powers of the Master Sword, the Silver arrows and the Light arrows. However, it is true that trifrue allows it to transform into a very powerful animal form; Ganon.
Ganondorf himself is described as the strength of personified evil. In such a way that he is a character with an unusual evil, Cold and ruthless. His arrogance comes to him by his person's own ego, believing the only one capable of mastering the kingdom of Hyrule.
In fact, despite dominating this territory, we have seen it dissatisfied, something that makes its ambition and greed very clear that make it a unhappy constantly. His thirst for conquest is never satiated and that prevents him from enjoying his "achievements", since he is never satisfied.
On the other hand, his past in the desert condemned to poverty next to those of his race, have justified that evil that characterizes him so much. We see during the video game as suffers personality changes and of encouragement, being a Unstable character Animically, as you are glad for the evil of others
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