Since the Beatles began to succeed worldwide, the “beatlemania” was born, a way we have to call madness that still wraps everything that has to do with this iconic group of the 60s. More than 50 years later, this continuous madness, and demonstrates the success that Get Back is having, the Beatles documentary that is sweeping in Disney+.
Get Back is a song that the band took out in 1969 and was number 1 in many countries. But it is also a documentary miniseries, which launched Disney+ this past year. Directed by Peter Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings, the series consists of three parts in which we will see, among other things, unpublished images of the filming of the album "Let It Be".
It is probably the most complete documentary of the Beatles, since more than 50 hours of unpublished material and 140 audio recordings that have been heard very rarely have been recovered. It looks a lot about the relationship between band members, cordiality and humor, but also disagreements. Above all, he focuses on his legendary last album In addition, Peter Jackson has worked with the living members and widows of the deceased members to make a documentary as close to the possible reality.
The importance for the fans that this docuserie has mainly resides in knowing the separation of the band, as their last moments were, and, perhaps, what happened between them so that everything will end. That and much more will discover it in the Disney+ documentary that thousands of people have already seen and who promises to be a revelation.
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