Know all about "L", Death Note's best detective

One of the greatest rivalries of the world at the intellectual level has occurred in Death Note. The Japanese anime surprises not only for its argument, but also for the particularity of its protagonists. The dispute between Light Yagami and "L" He marked a before and after in the series and today is the day of knowing better the detective who tried to unmask Kira.

Its appearance can impress at first but L. Lawliet He is nothing more than a 25 -year -old who appears to have 18 with an intellectual coefficient equated to that of a gifted. His extraordinary intelligence allowed him to become prematurely to be the best detective in the world After resolving cases that the Japanese police elite was never able to address.

His fame forced him to hide after a Pseudonym "L" and to erase his identity from any civil registry so as not to put his physical integrity at risk. A strategy that saved him for 27 chapters of being killed by Kira with the death notebook. A gifted one of the most introverted, who was barely related to the police chiefs who required their services and with Watari, its butler and right hand. The rest of the interpersonal relationships reserved them for a cordial and professional treatment without giving way to Algó beyond such as a friendship.

This responds to his lack of empathy and his Cold character When making decisions that more than one would tremble. A mind almost impersonal that puts the general good to the individual, where the end justifies the means. Within the personality of "L" we can also highlight several particular behaviors how to be constantly sitting with the knees on the chest and some finger always put in the mouth. Sample dark circles as a consequence of its lack of rest, since Lawliet It does not sleep, just drink coffee.

Another of his peculiarities is to feed almost constantly of cakes and cakes, since he justifies his diet based on the Nutritional need for your brain, he sugar.

TO Aesthetic level Nor does it go unnoticed. With a white shirt two sizes superior to the one that would correspond and jeans that are never changed. In addition, her skin whitish and her disheveled hair are the best proof that "l" does not care too much the outside world.

If you have read this post, you will surely love our collection of the best parodies in t -shirts Death Note.

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