Hinata, the boy of 1.62 cm that pursued his dream with such force that he made that height only one number. Its sports but too youthful complexion makes it constantly confused with a high school child. However, the child with orange hair, as some will know, is an out of series in the Volleyball, where it seemed that his goal was far away.
With always uprooted hair, he taught us that it is always possible to get wherever you want, but that this reward has a very high cost called effort and perseverance. His energetic personality conferred that differential force between him and his companions, who are always surprised by his extraordinary performance.
Cheerful, smiling, but also sensitive, this is the good of Shoyo, that it is not difficult for him to make friends, whether from the institute or the opposite team. Its competitiveness does not exceed the limits of the personal and, therefore, the members of the rival teams fell so well. However, if you don't like something, you get your stature, make fun of it. It is offended and enraged to such an extent of getting its most selfish and ruthless sportingly speaking.
In addition, his enormous passion for volleyball makes him change these personality traits completely when he dresses short. His gaze goes from being sympathetic and cheerful to being intimidating to such an extent that is angry with the world.
A crush that makes him distract from his main tasks such as studies. Shoyo is always on the tightrope and that's why his name is in the recovery exams. That is Hinata's main weakness, her excessive concentration in sport that makes her be distracted from other responsibilities.
Other aspects of Shoyo's personality is that he loves Listen to music, look at the clouds And, of course, Eat sweets. Because our protagonist is a whole glutton, always needs sugar to stay active throughout the day.
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