‘La Cima’ one of the great premieres of March

If you are looking to see a more movie interesting In the cinema, then you don't have to think more, we tell you everything about "The top" The great premiere of Spanish cinema.

We are going to put you fully in a situation: Matthew You need to climb one of the largest mountains on the planet; Annapurna, because? Has to Fulfill a promise Although weather conditions do not invite precisely to success, but your conscience needs to rest at once.

However, Mateo's good will cross his destiny with that of IONE, one of the best mountaineers that exist and what best knows how to face limit situations in this type of challenges. On the way to try to get their promise, Ione and Mateo will know each other deeply, understanding the social situation that each one lives day by day, so The climb becomes a Union link For both. More things you need to know out of curiosity; ADDRESS: IBON CORMENZANA, DISTRIBUTION: Javier Rey, Patricia López Arnaiz, Blanca Apilanez, Kandido Uranga, script: Nerea Castro Andreu, Duration: 85. We cannot tell you more because then we annoy this movie that combines adventure, psychology and sport. Let us surprise you for herself, for now we leave you the trailer:


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