Learn about Morty, Rick's favorite grandson

If there are two essential components in one of the most popular series of recent years they are Rick & Morty. Grandfather and Nieto share dimensional adventures out of the common and that have made us cry of laughter and rethink certain aspects of today's society.

If there is something we should know about Rick's favorite grandson is that his real name is Mortimer Smith and that he does not always voluntarily offers his grandfather. In fact, on more than one occasion we have witnessed how it even comes out Malparado by Rick's crazy plans.


Its appearance responds to the parodied image of Marty Mc Fly, from the movie saga Back to the future, and always carries its basic outfit composed of yellow shirt, blue jeans and white shoes. His journey in the student facet is not entirely good, partly due not only to his Low intellectuality that characterizes him, but to the adventures with his grandfather.

This justifies its stuttering on certain occasions, because He is never sure of himself, of what he says, he does not do. But if something characterizes it is your courage, coming to face his own grandfather, since Morty does not like to get into his loved ones.

At the beginning of the series he has a very different personality, since we know him as a person who has Huge respect for life And that is disappearing as the chapters advance. Morty ends up being a person who does not take care of his physical integrity as well as at the beginning, partly because of the dangerous adventures in which his grandfather Rick enters him.


His platonic love is Jessica, with whom he shares math class, but with which he has no hope of having something. Although he has had various romances As with Atlantis's siren in Ricklantis Mixup and his fetish are the girls redhead.

If you like animated humor series like this, you will surely love our parodies in Rick & Morty T -shirts.

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