NEW POKEMON EVENT Special Halloween Unite

Some time ago the free to play video game was released Pokemon Unite, for those who do not know it is a type game Moba Where two teams must fight with each other to win the opponent, they should not only fight but must advance on the map destroying towers and thus winning more points.

How do the points get? Easy!! Destroying your rivals and the different NPC enemies that appear on the map.

A very agile and versatile game that has surprised many of us.

With the arrival of Halloween Pokemon Unite, it has created a very special event that includes several novelties both in its game system (settings on the game map, variation of battle objects and new character)

To customize it, they have decided to change battle objects for pumpkins in addition to allowing us to customize our player file with several Halloween thematic funds and elements.

Perhaps the most important thing of the event is the expected Nerfeo de Zapdos and the buffos of but also the incorporation of a new character: Greedent

We leave you a video clip that we liked a lot about J. Balvin to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Pokemon.


And you? Are you also a true Pokemon fan?


In gesture we have Pokemon T -shirts Inspired by these incredible pocket monsters.

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