Philosophy after the phrase "give wax, polish wax"

Many times we have heard the phrase "Give wax, polish wax" And we have also incorporated it in our lives as a way of saying "the good takes time." I may Karate Kid It is not the best film of all time, but left us one of the most inspiring phrases in cinema.



In the movie, the teacher Miyagi He begins to train Daniel in the Asian martial arts, and he does it by telling him to clean the car and hide it. Of course, poor Daniel thought that Miyagi was laughing like so many others, because what relationship can have wax to a car with karate? The only thing that came up with is that he was the teacher of the teacher's message, and not reproach it, we would think the same. But what the old man really wanted to teach him was the path towards hard work, because waking a car is not a row.


The phrase "give wax, polish wax" symbolizes the effort, patience and constancy. It is about establishing a constant work routine to reach a goal, not to make a sprint. Because the reality is that "Rome was not built in two days", important things cost work.

Today, society has been established in the Culture of immediacy, of "I want everything and now." It is no secret that we have currently lost patience, which characterized the generation of our grandparents and great -grandparents, those who worked from dawn to night to take bread to their home. Eye, that with this we do not mean that we have to become Workaholics to succeed. But yes, that things are not easy and that karate like life, is a constant learning process, of making mistakes and learning from them.

So we could learn a lot from the philosophy of “giving wax, polishing” taught us the teacher Miyagi and that as we already knew it ended up giving Daniel, who became a whole Karate champion.


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