Pikachu, the best pokemons imitator

Pikachu is known for being the image of the franchise Pokémon, for being the inseparable partner of Ash or for being one of the strongest pokemons of the anime. But our adorable friend has a very particular personal side that has made us laugh until tears jump.

And is that Pikachu has a Gift special at the time of mock To others Pokemons getting to surprise his teammates. His scenes by mandating the Meowth, Weezing, Trecko, Torchic, etc.… They are a classic in this anime. We wanted to make parodies of him and that you can see in our catalog of Pikachu products.

His good mood has made more than one happy in the afternoon, leaving us scenes for memory and that today we want to review so that you will smile with our laughing friend. In the first season, Pikachu tried to make a Togepi distressed that he didn't stop crying.

Our friend tried to get him a smile with his best imitations but he wasn't even able. Another of the great scenes was in the region of Hoenn, where Pikachu brought out his repertoire in the face of the disbelief of Torchic and Mudkip. They could not believe it.

One of the most classic is found when Pikachu meets another Pikachu just as skilled in the art of imitation. Both begin to mimic Pokémons almost simultaneously and so similar that it is impossible to distinguish them. What a duel we had to live.

Do you like it Pokémon? Stop to see our best parodies in Pikachu t -shirts.

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