We cannot deny the success that the satirical genre of Rick & Morty, but we can still deny the importance of one of its main characters; Rick. The craziest scientist has come to know his past in the fifth season, which ended on September 5, 2021.
A fifth season in which Evil Morty decides to perform a complete analysis of the brain of Rick C-137 And this made him known his past not as recent as we knew. This is how we knew that Rick's own wife, Diane, and his daughter Beth They were killed by another Rick.
Everything happens at the moment when Rick C-137 decides not to develop its own transdimensional portal gun and join the other Ricks to travel through the universe. This fact causes Rick C-137 to develop his own weapon to hunt his wife and daughter's murderer and kill him with his own hands.
However, after following false clues that cause a failure after another, loses hope and becomes alcoholic, leaving aside his best friends in resistance. His obsession to find the true murderer leads him to continue killing Ricks, but he never finds the real moody.
In addition, you will encounter a problem that you did not expect; The union of other Ricks to end him. Rick's sinking and despair leads him to travel to the universe where Beth and Diane were abandoned by another of the Rick and decides to stay to live with them.
A fact that saved him from suicide, since Rick C-137 went through his mind several times to take his life in the face of despair and the failure he had experienced. This is what it reveals in the fifth season and that touches us in a certain part the sensitive part that we carry inside.
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