Samuel L. Jackson, art, elegance, humor, sympathy, versatility. Those are the characteristics that best define the veteran American actor of 73 years and that make him a respectable of the cinematographic world. A wide career that extends from "The Prince of Zamunda" of 1988 until today, in which he presumes participating in more than 100 films.
A long career that makes it One of the best actors in the world and history, sufficient reason to review the 5 best tapes of your filmography. A selection that seems complicated, but to which we venture without fear of making mistakes. There we go:
1-. Pulp fiction
A 90's classic. Although they were not the main protagonists of the tape, their performance made them seem and that says a lot about it and Steven Seagal, your right hand in this 1994 production.
2.- Captain America: the winter soldier
Nick Furia, that is our dear Jackson in this famous production of Marvel and in which he will be in charge of gathering avengers to save the world of chaos.
3.- Loving at close range
Another of the great productions of the 90's and again interpreted by Samuel L. JacksonIt is no accident. The clothing and interpretation of our veteran actor is one of the hallmarks of this famous 1993 tape.
4.- Jurassic Park
If anyone could play scientist and show the stress that is lived in a theme park set by prehistoric genetic mutations that was Jackson's good. His participation is not as colorful as in the rest of the productions, but it is also decisive.
5.- Kong: Skull Island
Preston Packard, the leader of the expedition sent to Calavera Island in which Kong is could not be better interpreted. His hand to hand with the gigantic monkey is a scene that marked the film.
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