Seiya de Pegasus, the superhero that best represents the trend of the twentieth century

The classic animated series of The 80s He has a main character that marked us all.

His name is Seiya, but it's more than that, it's the Holy of Pegasus. Is the reincarnation of Bronze Saint of Pegasus Tenma and of "First Pegasus", who became the first man to hurt God Hades. However, before focusing on his role as a hero we will discover it in his most human form, separated from the combat field and remembering his history.

One of his person's most fundamental aspects is that Seiya stayed orphan next to his older sister Seika, being separated at that time, since Seiya would be welcomed in the orphanage Star Children Academy of the Graad Foundation, owned by his biological father, Mitsumasa Kido, while his sister fell into an unknown whereabouts.

However, in that place he was never comfortable or comfortable and his attitudes brought him many problems with Jabu, another of the children of the orphanage who felt very grateful to the family Kido It is then that Seiya himself makes a deal with Mitsumasa Kido, which was that if he returned to Japan once his training in the sanctuary of Greece was fulfilled, he would help him meet with his sister from whom he was separated in his childhood. This makes Saiya a personal motivation for become Saint and train hard for it.

In the anime we saw between 1986 and 1989, it wears a brown hair with dark brown eyes, something very different from what happens in the manga where her hair is reddish just like her eyes. In the first anime, his skin was somewhat darker, something that changed over the years towards a lighter tone. As for its urban clothing, it is the simplest; Red sleeve t -shirt, celestial jeans of the most classic and white sneakers, in addition to a game of red fabric bands that he has on his wrists and on his left arm, a whole travolta of the anime.

With regard to your personality, you cannot better represent the prototype of eighties hero, being his strong to never give up on any situation for more impossible to seem. Another of Seiya's great attributes is that he values ​​the friendship, although sometimes he sins of temperamental, impulsive or reckless sometimes. Still is a good boy and there is little to reproach him

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