Among the classic animated series are some that did not set in the same way in our country.
In the memories of all the inhabitants of our country are the anime such as Pokémon, Óliver and Benji, Naruto, Inazuma Eleven... we could continue listing because surely we have all seen at least one chapter of each of them because they reigned in Spain at a devastating level.
However, there are some who They did not get so successful, not so much for quality but rather by temporarily coinciding with any of the most successful anime of history and that led them to the fridge, metaphorically speaking. The truth is that only some seasons were issued, without letting the anime finish because their audience peaks were not enough to renew their antenna broadcast. Therefore, we will review the 3 best series that did not end their broadcast in our country:
1- Digimon
Despite its initial success, it did not be broadcast beyond season 4. Character changes, competition with Pokemon and other factors caused them to close the saga Takuya Kanbara and his friends in a digital world in which humans were the authentic media protagonists their transformations to Digimons.
2- Yu-Gi-Oh!
He card game More famous in the world came to have merchandising levels above the most classic anime, but he did not finish his first series with Yugi Moto as the protagonist, since everything was in a third season with everything to decide. There was a second attempt with Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, the sequel, which happened exactly the same.
3- Beyblade
Another example of anime that came to have a success at the merchandising level, but that did not know how to curdle at the television level. His first season would endure until the end, but they did not broadcast their sequelae, so it did not have a temporary continuity until the current series that is being broadcast.