The best films to recommend when you stay blank

Surely you have ever faced that typical question, and it is very possible that your mind has been blank due to the amount of genres and films existing today. You do not know whether to recommend a classic, a drama, a comedy or an action film that uploads the adrenaline of the viewer. In addition, each person has their tastes and that makes it even more difficult when recommending a film with which to be satisfied.


Even so, there are always films that fit perfectly with your mood at that time and that make you can enjoy their viewing. For them we have made a selection of films that can adapt to different situations and with which you can cover your needs as a spectator.


The three best biographical films in history




Few people in the world can "show off" not to have seen a film that is based on the recreation of the life of a person who marked a before and after in history. Whatever gender, there is always something that surrounds what has been experienced over the years although there are films that have focused more on certain specific profiles.



On this occasion we are going to talk about 3 films that have revived someone's life taking into account their historical impact. The seventh art has been the great person in charge of showing us what we could not see with our eyes and that at some point it was discovered without being known.



‘The social network’


Thus was titled the biographical tape that tells us the beginnings of ‘Facebook’, the largest social network in the world and that has given rise to thousands of variants. The story of some friends who had an approach, a project and a meaning for billions of people around the world could be connected without being close. Zuckerberg had some beginnings that we know today and that will make you take your hands to the head when knowing the logic of his project.



‘The theory of all’


Few films can match this jewel of James Marsh who decided to recreate the life of the unmatched Stephen Hawking in the stage of his life that changed everything completely. At 21 he was diagnosed with a neuronal disease that not only shortens his life expectancy, but also his joint mobility although his intelligence will remain as intact as brilliant.



‘Schindler's list’


The genocide carried out by the Nazis against the Jewish people did not reach the levels that Adolf Hitler would have wanted to thanks in part to the good of Oskar Schindler, who will risk his life to save that of thousands of prisoners he had under his power. A 1994 Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg that is, without a doubt, a jewel of the seventh art that brings us what was never known.



The five best business and marketing movies you can see



If what you are passionate about is the market, commercial and economy issues, then you are sure that you are interested in the following titles that we are going to cite.

‘The Founder’

A film about Ray Krock, which although it would not finally come to found McDonald 'S, if it realized the potential of the fast food business. A clear example of how a good strategist managed to convert a franchise into a worldwide success that continues to grow in our times despite the controversy that surrounds it around its quality.

‘The Wall Street wolf’

Directed by Martin Scorsese, he tells Jordan Belfort's life, an American stockbroker with the mid -80s. As Jordan himself tells us his resounding life, he also presents a series of lessons that we could well use for marketing, businesses and above all, sales.

‘The best movie never sold’

Morgan Spurlo teaches us the potential that great brands can have in the film industry being able to change the script of a film if the advertiser wishes. También el nivel de influencia para crear nuevas necesidades en los consumidores que hacen que seamos sus marionetas.


In this Jan Kounen tape, a publicist (Jean Dujardin) fed up with his great ideas rejecting the marketing directors, he decides to do everything possible to fire him and ensure good early retirement. Todo un jaque mate a la vida.

It is not usually the favorite genre of cinema lovers, but it never hurts to see the occasional film about business, economy and marketing. Especially since they usually remain in the background while intrahistoria and some turns to the tape to make their chair more enjoyable.


Las cinco mejores películas sobre robos

In the cinema, the films on robberies have always had a good reception even getting inspired to some of the most popular series of recent years such as the paper house. A continuación te dejamos una selección de las mejores películas sobre robos.

‘The Italian Job’

Es, sin duda, el número uno de la lista. Con Mark Wahberg y Charize Theron en el reparto, The Italian Job no puede defraudar a nadie. The 2003 version is a remake of a 1969 film whose main attraction was the persecution in some colors minis, scene they maintained for the remake, and that is the indisputable brand of the film. Aunque en la de Charlize Theron el robo no se produjo en Italia, es suficientemente emocionante para atrapar a cualquiera. Las escenas de tensión y el plan del robo son muy entretenidas de ver. Una película 100% recomendable.

‘Ocean’s Eleven’

Ocean's Eleven empata seguramente en primer puesto con la anterior, ya que es una de las películas de robo más conocidas. Con Brad Pitt y Gorge Clooney como protagonistas, ¿quién puede negarse a ver esta maravilla del cine?. Estos dos, son ladrones que forman un equipo de élite para robar la cámara acorazada de un casino, algo que resulta casi imposible. Pero con un brillante plan, y unos ladrones como los del equipo Ocean, no hay nada imposible.

‘Plan Oculto’

El misterio y la intriga están asegurados en esta gran entrega en la que el robo de un banco es solo una excusa para conseguir un objetivo. Eso no lo desvelaremos, pues lo mejor de la película es descubrir lo oculto, como bien dice el título. Un plan perfecto y un electo excepcional, es lo que nos deja Plan Oculto.

‘Atrapa un ladrón’

Para quién no la conozca, esta es la clásica película de Grace Kelly con Cary Grant, en la que recorren Montecarlo en un descapotable. Una cinta clásica que nos descubre a un ladrón inusual, pero sin perder el encanto propio de la época. No es una película de persecuciones ni planes, es más bien de misterio, amor y lujo. Perfecta para relajarse y dejarse deleitar por Alfred Hitcock, que nunca decepciona.


Aunque no es una película de robo como tal, no podemos dejar de recomendarla en esta lista. En Origen lo que se roba es una idea y un sueño. No es oro ni joyas, es algo más abstracto, por lo que requiere de nosotros un poco de esfuerzo para entender la trama. It is not a film that we are going to understand the first, because Leonardo Di Caprio always gives us many headaches, but precisely for that reason it is so stimulating. La idea es salir de lo habitual y dejarse maravillar por el universo que nos plantea Origen.

Nuestra selección de las mejores películas de acción de todos los tiempos


Otro de los géneros que más gustan en el mundo del cine son las películas de acción. Aquí te contamos cuáles son las mejores películas de acción del mundo del cine.

‘Misión Imposible’

Son tal vez, las películas de acción más conocidas por el público. Impossible mission 1, is iconic for its soundtrack and danger scenes, interpreted entirely by Tom Cruise, the fashion actor of the nineties. Although more than twenty years have passed since the first film was released, this action classic is still the best option to enjoy a Saturday at home.

‘James Bond. Goldeneye’

James Bond es sin duda el personaje por excelencia del cine de acción y el espía más famoso de todos los tiempos. For more than 50 years, five first -order actors have played this iconic character, and although they are Connery, Pierce Brosnan's films are true jewels. Goldeneye fue la primera interpretada por el actor y es una de las más famosas, tanto por su banda sonora, como por sus escenas de acción.

‘Fast and furious’

Es un clásico de los apasionados de las persecuciones de coches. In every action film we see scenes in which persecutions with cars are produced, but Fast and Furious has made that a real show. These films have become a classic, with veteran actors in the field of action such as Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson or Jason Statham.


No hay maratón de pelis de acción sin Matrix. Neo -Keanu Reeves- es el elegido, que tendrá que acabar con el mundo tal y como lo conocemos. Todo cinéfilo que se precie, se ha preguntado alguna vez, ¿pero qué es Matrix? Pues no vamos a contarlo aquí, lo que sí diremos es que las escenas de acción y lucha de esta película son brutales. Puede que la más conocida sea en la que Neo para las balas de una pistola con la mente, era la primera vez que algo así se veía en el cine.

‘Al filo del mañana’

Halfway between futuristic and action, this film starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt is a pearl for those who enjoy action cinema. El ritmo es frenético y la trama muy buena. Para no hacer spoilers no entraremos en más detalle, solo diremos que si no has visto esta película, no sabes lo que pierdes.


Esta es la clásica trilogía de acción futurista que todos conocemos por aquello de: “Sayonara baby”. Esta frase la recita Arnold Schwarzenegger en la segunda película de Terminator que es, sin duda, la mejor. Hace unos años salieron dos reboot de la película: Terminator génesis y Terminator destino oscuro. Pero ya se sabe lo que dicen, las segundas partes nunca fueron buenas. Así que nosotros nos quedamos con las primeras, que son auténticas maravillas del cine de acción.

‘Arma Letal’

This series of films is a must for action lovers, because basically the entire film is formed from great adrenaline and emotion scenes. Además es divertidísima, y es que, ¿quién dice que el cine de acción tiene que ser serio? En las cuatro películas de Arma Letal demuestran que la comedia es muy buena amiga de los polis. Porque los protagonistas son dos policías de Los Ángeles, compañeros y amigos, que forman uno de los mejores y más divertidos duos del cine.

Películas que ver si o si en Navidades


Para algunas personas, la mejor época del año es la Navidad. Dulces, comidas, amigos, y pelis, muchas pelis. Por eso, y para que no te pierdas ninguno de los clásicos navideños, te dejamos las siguientes recomendaciones.

‘Solo en casa’

Este clásico navideño es sin duda uno de los más divertidos para disfrutar en familia. El joven Kevin se pierde las vacaciones familiares y tiene que pasar la Navidad solo en su casa, aunque para él no supondrá un problema. Las risas están aseguradas, incluso si has visto esta película unas mil veces.

‘Love Actually’

It is the romantic Christmas film par excellence, in which we listen to the mythical song by Mariah Carey: "All i want for Christmas is you." Love Actually es sin duda un must en Navidad, aunque no es un film muy familiar, pero sí que es perfecta para verla en pareja.

‘El Grinch’

El villano más divertido de la Navidad, El Grinch, el único ser del planeta que odia la Navidad y se encargará de destruirla si puede. From this classic story there is an animated film, which is very funny, but the authentic geeks will see the original film of the year 2000.

‘Un cuento de Navidad’

Esta es, tal vez, una de las historias navideñas más conocidas, del escritor inglés Charles Dickens. His novel has been transferred to the cinema on numerous occasions, and in many ways, although one of the best is the animated version of 2009 in the Jim Carrey plays Ebenezer Scrooge, the greedy lend. Esta película es perfecta tanto para niños como para adultos, y deja un mensaje que sin duda es necesario interiorizar en la sociedad actual.

‘Pesadilla antes de Navidad’

Here we bring another animated classic starring the dearest Jack Skellington, a character similar to Grinch, who is not very comfortable with the Christmas atmosphere. Lo diferente de esta película es esa mezcla entre Halloween y Navidad que creó Tim Burton y que se ha convertido en una estética propia. Este film clásico es otro indispensable en nuestra lista de películas navideñas.

En Friking tenemos diseños de camisetas de películas clásicas como esta con parodias que te harán divertirte.

‘Los Gremlins’

Hace tiempo ya que se entrenó esta película, pero es que lo bueno nunca pasa de moda. Few are the ones who do not know the Gremlins, those strange creatures that although at first we seemed very cute, then become an authentic nightmare.

Las nueve películas de miedo para ver en Halloween


If instead your favorite time of the year is the night of October 31, rather known as Halloween, there are thousands of fear films that we find on the Internet perfect for that night. Aquí te dejamos algunas.

‘The Grudge’

Also known as the curse, everything happens in a Japanese home that as the title says, there is a curse and disappearances and murders happen ... The rest of the film will have to see it.


This film is not as terror as perhaps the others, but how we told you each one has their own fear, and the fear of aliens is something that is the order of the day. Incluso se dice que puede estar basada en hechos reales.

‘Malasaña 32’

What is most fear in this film is that it is based on a real event that had an entire city in suspense, but calm the events happened more than half a century ago.

‘La bruja de Blair’

Unos estudiantes de cine iban a grabar a un bosque y luego desaparecieron. En la película salen fragmentos del verdadero video. ¿Será verdad o una leyenda?

‘Expediente Warren’

De las 3 películas que abarcan este título, no podíamos elegir solo una porque todas dan mucho miedo. Dejamos a vuestra elección la más terrorífica.

‘Paranormal Activity’

Esta saga incluye hasta 6 películas, aunque realmente solo hemos visto la primera ya que nos dio tanto miedo que no quisimos ver el resto. Como bien indica el título se trata de películas paranormales, y ese es uno de los miedos más comunes.


Seguimos con películas que tienen varias entregas. Saw se basa en lo gore, en lo desagradable y en el miedo a cómo escapar ante juegos macabros. Cada película es más desagradable que la anterior.

‘Monstruoso (Cloverfield)’

This fear is more unreal since finding a giant monster is less likely that the rest of fears already mentioned but of course, it does not stop having the ability to produce fear and see the film can be a distressing moment.


A movie from before, a thriller of the great Alfred Hitchcock. For many it is the film that has produced the most. It is very difficult to make a spoiler because, who has not seen this movie?

Five apocalyptic films to watch a weekend

For some people, the end of the world is an issue that scares while for others it is an interesting topic. Many times we have thought about how the end of the world would be, if it would be due to atomic bomb explosion, a volcanic explosion, a gigantic tsunami or a meteorite. There is a long list of films dedicated to this theme, then we leave you.

‘I'm legend’

Will Smith plays a military unit scientist, Robert Neville, who has survived a bacterium that has ravaged the planet. The main effect of the virus is to turn humans into night and carnivorous creatures that lose consciousness. Your mission: find a cure while trying to survive day by day.

‘Eli's book’

The total destruction of the world, the primitive era of the human being where the survival of each is above all. Eli walks through a world where food is scarce and in which the main danger is the humans themselves that are willing to kill for a piece of meat and a little water. The world in ashes.

‘A quiet place’

A family tries to survive every day silenced before the threat of creatures with powerful auditory powers. The only reason to continue living is the hope that a lethal weapon is found that can end a massacre that ended the population.

‘World War Z’

Brad Pitt plays a UN scientist who will try to stop a virus that is contaminating society in a few hours. It will travel around the world to see in the first instance its effects and forms of infection.

‘Terminator Salvation’

The fourth installment of the robot saga in which the world is in possession of Skynet. John Connor (Christian Bale) will try to lead the resistance of the few humans who are still alive to end the artificial intelligence that they themselves created and that are ravaging the world.

The movies that will make you cry if or if you are very hard to be


Finally, a genre that plays our most sensitive fiber but that we love just as it makes us sad. If you are one of those people who affirm that they have never cried for a movie, you are in the right place to break your own myth. We are all sensitive, some more and others less, but so many years of cinema have allowed a grill of crying films for all audiences, even for those stone hearts. If you do not believe it, we recommend that you take a look at the following titles that we propose.

‘In search of happiness’

Will Smith starred in this dramatic work that recreates the capitalist and unfair world in which society lives today. With a talent for the outstanding sale, Will's good does not happen well economically while he has to take care of his son while facing life.

‘Before you’

A tape that perfectly stages that life is not reduced to the possession of a lot of money, but goes much further. Sam Claflin's disability makes us see how everything can become dark when you are most important. However, Emilia Clarke will contribute what she needs to have a smile on her face.


A very religious eleven -year -old girl faces two events that are completely new for her: falling in love and dying ... the tumor that threatens her life makes her family, belonging to Opus Dei, encourage her to find strength through faith.

‘Seven Souls’

Ben Thomas is a mysterious fiscal inspector of Los Angeles who will try to change the life of 7 people radically. However, Emily's arrival will break everything.

'The arrival'

Bajo la aparente sensación de que todo girará en torno a la llegada de unos extraterrestres a la Tierra, sin conocer sus verdaderas intenciones, todo desembocará en un final que te romperá el corazón por completo y te hará llorar sin darte cuenta.

We hope that with this extensive list of films of different genres you can meet the needs you demand and enjoy a good evening. In addition, you will no longer have problems recommending a movie. Do not forget to accompany them with good snacks and scarves in the case that you decide to give yourself a good cry.

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