The best war films

Probably by appointing the war cinema many titles come to your head with which you have managed to get excited and even release some tears. There are a lot of films set in the war battles that our planet has starred throughout history. And we want to remind you some of the best, under our criteria, which have gone down in the history of cinema. There goes the list.

1. Life is beautiful (Roberto Benigni, 1997)

Perhaps one of the most classic, although also essential in this list. Life is beautiful, the drama of a family that spends a stage of his life in a Nazi concentration center for the Jewish origin of the protagonist. Despite being a sad movie, he sends a very important message as, sometimes, happiness is in the way of looking at life. The effort that our protagonist makes for the happiness of his son has made hundreds of thousands of people have released more than one tear with this beautiful, although also sad story. We will always remember the famous phrase that characterizes this movie: "Good morning princess, I dreamed all night with you ..."


2. Schindler's list (Steven Spielberg, 1993)

To continue, we have another film set at the time of Nazi Germany, although in this case, based on real events. This film tells the story of businessman Oskar Schindler, who saved the life of more than 1,000 Polish Jews during World War II. This is another film that shows the crudeness of the Holocaust from the vision of someone who despite being German and belonging to the Nazi party, significantly affects the cruelty with which the fate of Jewish lives is treated. Everyone who has seen this film will remembered with pity one of the most emblematic scenes not only of the film, but of the history of cinema. The film happens in black and white, but at a time of the film we can see a little Jewish girl to wear a red coat while fleeing the Nazis. The film leaves us a very important message: human lives are very important, and nobody has the right to end one.


3. The pianist (Roman Polanki, 2002)

Another drama set in the darkest era of Germany. This time the protagonist is Adrien Brody, who plays a Polish pianist of Jewish origin just at the time the Nazi invasion begins to Poland. During the film we see how the life of a Jewish person is who has to work as a slave to the Nazis and who finally has to hide to stay alive. It is a very hard film that shows not only Nazi barbarism, but also all the evil and misery that war brings. It also teaches that in both sides there may be good and bad people. Undoubtedly, a great characteristic of the film is its soundtrack, and it is difficult not to associate the Night In C Sharp Minor (No.20) of Chopin to it.


4. 1917 (Sam Mendes, 2019)

We transport ourselves to the First World War to understand the history of two young British soldiers to whom it has been in charge to carry a message to cancel an offensive attack that is sentenced to failure. For one of these soldiers, the message is especially important because his brother is in the battalion in charge of the attack. A film that shows the cruelty of war and the impulses of the soldiers that end with any apex of humanity that sprouts from them.


5. Save soldier Ryan (Steven Spielberg, 1998)

This film set in the Normandy invasion in World War II has become one of those films that cannot be missing in your list of "movies to see before dying." The performance of Tom Hanks as Captain John H. Miller of the United States Army is excellent, as is the main argument of the film. 3 of the 4 brothers of the Ryan family have died fighting with a few days of separation, and the last is missing in combat. His mother would be notified by a letter from Abraham Lincoln, who arrives in the eyes of General Marshall, who orders to find Soldier Ryan and send him back home. This is not a film that deals with those who suffered, but from those who have saved themselves from suffering.

We could make a huge list of films with this theme, however we decided to stay with these 5, because each one of them will cost you quite a lot.

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