There is nothing that we like more geeks than cameos and references to other films. Because it is the way to make a film exclusive, it is like a hidden joke between the character and the spectator, which brings us closer to the film and makes us feel more part of the story. This Deadpool He does it wonderful, that's why we like it so much. Here are some funny cameos and references that the Mercenario Bocazas.
The creator of Deadpool, Rob LiefeldHe makes a cameo in the movie. This is usually more Stan Lee, but Liefeld has wanted to add and there are few directors or creators who wanted to leave their mark on the screen. According to Rob Liefeld: "It was an experience that only has you once in life. It's great to have been on the set."
Jokes a Green flashlight. In Deadpool there is a Post-Credit scene referring to the other character played by Ryan Reynolds, in which Deadpool kills a Reynolds with the green flashlight script, like doing everyone because the film is very bad. Even the green superhero screenwriter participated in the joke on Twitter.
Brief Cameo of Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This cameo almost went unnoticed and nobody paid attention to the antihero that would later become a success of Marvel. That is why in the post-créditos scenes of the second film we see Wolverine and Deadpool killing his own appearance in the X-Men film for being so bad.
Deadpool is a movie lover. In addition to references to his own being, Deadpool who is a movie lover, makes many scene in his filmsS Parodied classic films. Like the dance of Flashdance of the chair and the water, the radiocasete scene of A great love, or the famous Sharon Stone's leg crossing in Basic instinct.
Our favorite antihero loves jokes, is tireless, and not only laughs at others, but of himself. And that is what we like most, so we have designed a series of parodies in Deadpool T -shirts that you will surely love.