If there is an animal that is characterized by being part of the history of humanity that is the cat. And it is that the origin of cats dates back to 12 million years ago, at which time the earth began to populate from these cats.
One of the characteristics of the cats is that it was they who decided to tame, preferred the comfort of living under a roof and with insured food, so they are sometimes described as very independent beings.
The first data available to 4,000 years in Ancient Egypt. It was then that their domestication began, since the Egyptians decided to use them to move away the rats of corn stores. From then on, other ancient civilizations began using them as domestic animals. These were adapting their character since only the most meek ended up surviving in that environment.
It was the Phoenician merchants who brought these felines to India and China, until they reached Italy, and from there, they expanded until they reached all of Europe and later to the rest of the world. Although it was in ancient Egypt where cats reached maximum splendor and were turned into gods. There were laws regarding these beings of such level that causing the death of a cat, although it had occurred accidentally, was punished with death.
The black cats were victims of the Catholic Church, since they were related to pagan rites. Moreover, the simple possession of a cat was enough to accuse someone of witchcraft, especially if this was black. On the other hand, for sailors, cats were a sign of good luck, so it was common to see them aboard the ships.
At present, the cat is one of the most common domestic animals and it is not difficult to see them everywhere. In addition, although they are considered little affective pets, cats can develop attachment behavior with humans very similar to that of babies or dogs.
In short, cats have made an extensive tour throughout history where they have developed qualities to be able to adapt to each stage of it.
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