The definitive list of Pokémon games

Ash Ketchum and Pikachu They have marked an era since their birth in 1996. Their adventures have not only entertained us in the little one and on the big screen during all these years, but in the world of video games they were also consolidated.

In fact, the beginnings of Pokémon In Japan they date back to the world of virtual entertainment, where their success led them to invest strongly by the animated series. However, as far as Spain is a franchise that we met on the small screen in the first instance.

An expansion that came to transfer borders to the point of turning Pikachu into the main brand of the franchise and in a legendary character of cartoons. Pokémon's popularity has been such that they have not stopped launching new video games and remakes that have always been a success in sales.

Therefore, we are going to review here, in friking, all the games of this endearing franchise:

1- Color generation

Within this video game saga we find the deans: Red Pokémon and Blue Pokémon together with the great expansion of Yellow Pokémon for Game boy. The reality is that these first three games were in black and white but were the basis of the following generations.


2- Metal generation

Here we met those known as Pokémon Gold, Pokémon Silver and Pokémon Crystal For the revolutionary Game boy color, which meant to leave black and white behind.


3- Advance Generation

Within this third generation we find three video games that marked one of the best epochs of the franchise: Pokémon Rubí and Pokémon Zafiro in 2002 and, its improved and extended version, Pokémon Esmeralda (2004). Right in that year they would also appear red and green red, the first remakes of the saga. All for the Game Boy Advance of Nintendo that launched a new console design.


4- DS generation

Here not only Nintendo broke everything with the launch of a double screen console, but presented it with two of its best franchises so far: Mario Bros and Pokémon. For the latter 5 video games were released: Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearla and the improved version of Platinum Pokémon. In addition, two new remakes were published again: Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver.


5- Generation B/N

Here are White Pokémon and Black Pokémon (2010), that they would witness their own remake for this same generation thanks to the great impact they had: White Pokémon and Black Pokémon 2 (2012).

6- 3DS generation

Pokémon X and Pokémon and They were responsible for promoting the new console of Nintendo with the 3DS. In addition, the franchise launched the remakes of Pokémon Omega Rubí and Pokémon Alfa Zafiro As a result of success in the Game Boy Advance.


7- Seventh generation

The franchise decided to bet on two new games for 2016, Pokémon Sol and Pokémon Luna, which would be responsible for remastering only one year later with Pokémon Ultra Sol and Pokémon Ultra Luna. In addition, during this generation Nintendo launched its latest novelty: Nintendo Switch, for which it produced Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee.

8- Battle generation

In the latter they include Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield In 2019 and its subsequent improvement with Pokémon sword and shield: expansion pass In 2020. This generation would close the last video game: Pokemon Unite (2021).


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