In the first installment the American actor went from being a child to an authentic Superhero
If there is something that marked us from the first movie of the "Captain America: the first avenger" It was the physical and aesthetic change experienced by his actor Chris Evans. And is that Steve Rogers He was chosen for a Secret Project of the Government during World War II being used as guinea pig in an experiment that ends up making him a super man.
People ask how they managed to do that, because in the case of Chris Evans it was not only a matter of weight but of physical size in general. To do this, the first option was to overlap Evans' head in the body of a lower and thinner actor, similar to how it was done in “The curious case of Benjamin Button '' (2008) so that Brad Pitt could rejuvenate throughout the film. To carry out something similar, director Joe Johnston hired a double From the body on which to place Evans' face, they reduced their facial oval, vigorized their skeleton and narrowed their shoulders. "We shot 2650 chris planes and use digital technology to reduce it to what we call Steve the thin"Johnston explains.
This makes us see a rogers that went from 50 kilos at 85 In a matter of minutes, with a muscular structure of the most enviable. And that was what the 2011 technology, but the actor really, before the superhero suit was wrapped, had to be in the gym crushing himself to win 7 kilos, something that technology could not be in charge.
The fact that Marvel Have an immovable and frantic calendar to release each of the films starring its superheroes before the end of each year, it makes the pressure increase to achieve those measures that were required from the directive, which already had enough work with the transformation scene.