The hidden messages that hide ‘Breaking Bad’

The series filmed between 2008 and 2013 left us a very good mouth flavor and some entertainment messages that we reveal to you.

One of the things that has turned Breaking Bad In one of the best series in history is care in details, a fundamental element for the narrative and interpretive section by the characters. Some of them hide tributes and influences of their creators or emphasize aspects of the work. That is why we are going to reveal here, in friking, the hidden messages of the famous and successful series.

1.- The numbers

In the intro of the series we see how the periodic table of the elements is shown, but it is just before the word “Meth” (goal), the amphetamine formula (C10H15N) and its molecular weight (149.24) appear. That they are 62 the episodes of the series are related in that table to the samarium used to treat different types of cancer, such as the one suffered by the protagonist.

2.- Alcohol

Walter White Baby Wine ‘Low Cost’ at the beginning of the series to celebrate his birthday and ends up a drink of a luxurious Scottish whiskey. Walter himself would be enraged with his wife for complying with Hank's margaritas and ends up forcing his son, Walter Junior, to drink tequila to demonstrate who the king is.

3.- Gangsters

When Walter sees the movie on TV (‘Hazard Pay’) with Jesse, they end up fighting and the oranges of ‘The godfather‘ suggest a death in ‘Crawl Space’.

4.- Symbolic costumes

We have seen White Walter of all shapes and colors, even in underpants, but when that black hat is angry, heisenberg gives his characteristic sinister appearance. In fact, in the last episode, the protagonist of our series dressed again as he did at the beginning and changed air again.

5.- The names

Heisenberg is a tribute to scientist Werner Heisenberg, Hank Schrader refers to the chemist Gerhard Schrader, Saul Goodman is the homonym of “It’s All Good, Man” and Holly, the daughter of White Walter, is a character who puts his sight in Holly Rice, Gilligan's girlfriend

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