Are you more of dogs or cats? On this occasion we have decided to be more like cats, so we are going to leave you a list with those that we consider the most famous cats on the screen.
It was one of the first cats that appeared on the screen and which managed to achieve a great worldwide fame. His adventures were broadcast on television since 1953.
Without a doubt, Silvestre's desire to catch Piolin led him to also achieve great fame despite the fact that all his attempts were failed. From the adventures of Silvestre and Piolín we can highlight the famous phrase that appeared in all chapters: ‘I thought I saw a nice kitten’.
We all know Garfield for his love of naps and lasagna. This kitten even came to the cinema, accompanied by Oddie, a dog that took him out of quice, and that his mischief together made their owner anger.
One of the most famous felines in television history. Their adventures to try to hunt the Jerry mouse makes them a very funny couple who have drawn many laughs to their spectators.
Although the protagonist was Sabrina, Salem stole the main role. This cat was actually a sorcerer who was condemned to pass for a feline for trying to conquer the world.
The cat with boots
The cat with boots can become the most adorable cat thanks to the sad face he puts to get everything he wants. This kitten was born in Spain and became popular when appearing in the famous ‘Shrek’ saga.
Hello Kitty
If something does not beat Hello Kitty, it is to be one of the best known cats in the world. Since its debut in 1974, it has become a franchise and one of the largest icons in Japan.
Now that you know what some of the most famous cats on the screen are you can boast in front of your friends and be an expert in the field.
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