Although it is considered one of the best series in history, they remained issues to be resolved.
What they managed to do Vince Gilligan, Terry McDonough either Johan Renck, among others, with us it has no name. Among all they managed to hook us again to the TV, the tablet, the mobile and to be attentive to the new chapters and seasons of a production.
His work has become one of the most important in history, becoming for many the best series that has ever been made. However, that does not mean that you have left some open questions, issues that remained to be resolved both in the series and in the delivery launched as a sequel to it.
We are going to try to explain those questions based on what we have been able to investigate here, in geek:
1-. Badger and Skinny Pete
It is still to know what its destination has been, because it was not entirely clear either in the series or in the film. In fact, the last thing we saw from Pete is that he was waiting for the police at home and was subsequently questioned to know Jesse's situation. From Badger we can only say what we saw; He returned to Albuquerque.
2.- Where is Hank's body?
Skyler was going to give his sister the coordinates of Hank and Gomez's bodies through lottery tickets but nobody knows with certainty if he finally did.
3.- What happened to Skyler, Walter Junior and Holly?
White made a pact with Gray Matter to guarantee his family's survival with an exorbitant amount of money, but we don't know certainly if he came to do it, since we are talking about his greatest enemy. And another issue that remains in the air is that fate of them.
4.- And Jesse?
His adventure with White helped him on a personal level, but we don't know his whereabouts, much less did he end up studying at the University of Alaska or he got back into trouble, something that would not surprise us at all of course after the one they lied.
5.- Does anyone know anything about Kaylee?
If something left "the way" was the future of Mike's young granddaughter, who wanted to ensure before the future of her family. In fact Stacey had a lot of money to raise her, but he has not talked about the subject again.