The series that captivated us all has had its times and we bring you an order that will love it.
Last 2019 he witnessed the end of one of the best series in the history of the cinematographic world. ‘Game of Thrones’ It came to an end and left us a great vacuum in our hearts that we have not yet been able to fill. However, production has not been free of criticism, becoming qualified as a series that goes from more to less. Therefore, we have thought about friking that you would like to know an order of the 5 best seasons worse to better According to our criteria, which will surely be in a certain part more or less agree.
Season 7
The season that accentuated the criticism, but not for its argument, but for its speed. Everything seemed to end soon and the rhythm of events increased. However, he also came to our heart with the union of the Stark brothers or the farewell of the queen of the Lady Olenna spines, who before saying goodbye admitted his guilt at the purple wedding.
Season 3
After Ned's death it was already clear that we could not ensure the continuity of any of the characters that formed it. A season marked by the victories of Robb Stark and his army against the Lannister house. A fact that made us believe that he would finally avenge his father, until the red wedding arrived and everything changed again.
Season 8
The definitive proof after 7 seasons that danced between positive and refusal criticism. The end of a cake that could be better, but that ended remarkably well to be honest.
Season 1
The beginning of everything that would come, of ignorance, of contact with that imaginary world that has fascinated us so much. We were already speechless in chapter 9, in which a ruthless king at Ned Stark, who thought everyone had their respect for values and crown.
Season 4
The purple wedding, the death of Joffrey and Tywin Lannister at the hands of their own son who began the fall of the Lannister house, the trial between Oberyn Martell and the mountain to defend Tyron Lannister, etc. The best season without a doubt
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