Blue monkey, white gloves, red cap and mustache. These are the 4 essential elements of the most iconic character in the history of video games. The origins of Mario Bros They date back to the 80s, when he was not even known as Mario, but like Jumpman.
A name with which his legend would begin and was designed by Shigeru Miyamoto, the father of our nice friend. Mario's main mission was to rescue the captive dam from the castle of a gorilla called Donkey Kong, the princess Peach, and that has been the crux of the rest of the video games that have been underlying over the years.
However, however surprising it may seem and that very few know, Miyamoto was inspired by the famous character of Popeye, who caricatured Jumpman, and who followed him Olivia, Princess Peach, and Brutus, like Donkey Kong.
Cartoons that ended up being A success at the sales level. The adventures of Mario Bros To rescue his maiden they caused a great impact on the simplicity of the format and entertainment offered at the video game level. So much so that the fan that composed its public-consumer was established between 3 and 16 years.
The first one was released in 1983 with the generic name of "Mario Bros" And, after the aforementioned success, it was the company Nintendo who decided to bet on the franchise and decided to invest in a second game "Super Mario Bros" on December 13, 1985. A second installment that broke all records by registering 10 million sales in cartridges for the console Nintendo Entertainment System.
The rest of the story is told alone, because its success spread throughout the world becoming the image of the Nintendo company. His video games reached the best fees of the company and his innovation as a video game character in other video games gave him versatility to continue increasing sales.
Over the years we have seen as the good of Mario has been tennis player, race pilot, boxer, etc.. Everything that carried the image of the plumber was synonymous with sales and that is thanks to its strong irruption in the 80s and continued success in the 90 and 2000.
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