The political debate in the Peaky Blinders series

The history of Peaky Blinders It is located in a historical moment very convulsed politically: the rise of fascism, the labor revolution, and the popularization of communism. That is why Tommy and his people cannot ignore what is happening around and also involved in these political changes. Care that Some spoilers are coming.

 In the fifth season, Tommas Shelby arrives unthinkable so far, British Parliament, where will fight against the fascism of the leader Oswald Mosley, perhaps one of the worst enemies that Shelby has ever faced. Oswald Mosley was a British politician who went down in history for founding the British Fascist Union, although he first entered the Conservative Party, for which he won a seat in the general elections of 1918 and became the youngest member of the House of Commons.

SHELBY TOMAS will be a representative of Labor Party and informant of the Secret Service on all the movements that made unions and communist parties in the country. Oswald Mosley tries to persuade Tommy to have him within the fascist party, it is already known what is said: "If you cannot defeat your enemy, join him." But Shelby only accesses to inform the secret service about Mosley's actions.

Through the series, but above all in this fifth season, we see how the fascism sneaks into society, before the look of the Peaky Blinders who cannot commune with him due to his gypsy origin, and the different social tensions they have to face. As is the case of communism, very present in the series, or the Irish nationalism.

In any case, the Peaky Blinders have shown that Do not marry anyone, neither Jews, nor communists, nor fascists. They only watch over their own interests, and at the political level they get close, as they say, the sun that warms.

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