The questions that were unsolved in ‘Game of Thrones’

The series closed with a more than remarkable end but left in the air some open fronts that we still try to understand.

The phenomenon of ‘Game of Thrones’ It is a fact. The series closed in 2019, but their fans continue to view their chapters as if it were still in force. In addition, its popularity is going more and more thanks to the great success that it maintained during its years on the screen. However, through their 8 seasons He has not been able to answer many of the questions that have remained in the air and that we are going to review here and now, in case any during these years.

1- What has been of Ilyn Payne?

The simplest thing would be to presume that it was one of the casualties of Daenery's attack on the King's landing, but the truth is that it does much more than the series forgot about the character.

2- How important was the astrolabio?

The Astrolabio made the one who promised to be his triumphal appearance during Sam's stay in the citadel. Jon Snow's best friend gets many answers during his time, but we never know what is the importance of this old astronomical instrument.

3- What has been of the Reed?

The Starks have never given the merit that the Reeds deserved in the series and this important forgetfulness is a good proof of this. To them we add how bad the three -eyed crow treated Mera and we already have the first enemies of the throne that would like to continue with the story.

4-What was the Qarth sorcerers?

The great enemies of Daenerys in the second season wanted to kidnap her and, above all, to her dragons since these creatures would help increase their control of magic. Daenerys manages to escape and ends several of them. However, another of them tries to end his life in the third season and we will not know more about his existence.

5- What has been the faceless men?

The mysterious organization of murderers who trains Arya and whose march leaves us with several doubts about the future of this group, especially about the fact that they have accepted or not the betrayal of Arya, who ended up leaving without completing his training


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