The reasons for the success of Rick & Morty

Humor, madness and entertainment combined with Science, logic and drama. Those are the ingredients of one of the most viewed series-parody of recent years in Spain and in the world. Perhaps it is because of the tiredness experienced by the audience of other animated series attempts that did not reach the height of The Simpsons either Futurama, or perhaps it is because of its updated humor that makes it different.


The truth is that Rick & Morty He has been razing on the small screen since 2013 and has not stopped recruiting an audience that is increasingly in season after season. The adventures of the mad scientist and his grandson not only represent the thought or reasoning that teenagers have today, who are the ones who consume this type of products, but also shows a dimension of the madness that would have been understood at other times.

The daring script that follows a sarcastic line to criticize everything that is illogical and absurd in the world that we live today. Criticisms that provide you with a social-letters that likes and helps to contemplate with a true vision the society in which we live.

It is not just humor, it's about humor with meaning, With the aim of thinking, revealing, of reflecting bad habits, bad customs and nonsense that not everyone knows. What in Roman times would be known as satire and that was aimed at making fun of public personalities blatantly.


This ingredient is the one that has worked and the one that continues to captivate whether it is used in the way that Rick & Morty does, which is the best in his own. You cannot deny the excellent work that the directors of the animated series are doing in this field and that is catapulting it to the top.

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