The rules to survive a scream horror movie

One of the most famous scenes in the film Scream is that of Randy's rules, in which he explains how to survive a horror movie. Of course, many ignored him and that's why they ended up dead. In this post we will review all the rules to survive Scream.


Scream has not been one of the best films that cinema has left us, however, there are few people who do not know it, because it has been placed among the most iconic of horror movies, although in reality it is halfway between comedy and terror. The first 1996 film left scenes that have become an icon and of which other films have echoed. One of them is that of Drew Barrymore to the phone when asked: "What is your favorite horror movie?"; And the other is, without a doubt, the scene in which Randy explains the rules to survive a horror movie. This second was so successful among the public, that in the following deliveries more rules were added until it became a tradition of Scream movies.


The original rules of Scream 1 Randy explains them to his friends when they are watching a horror movie together, and they are the following:

1. They cannot have sex, since virgin people can be more cunning than the murderer at the end.

2. You should not drink or consume drugs, because it is an extension of rule No. 1; They are sins.

3. Never say "I immediately come back", because you will not come back.


In Scream 2 Randy, who continues with his theory of the rules, explains to Dewey the Rules of a sequel:

1. Increase the number of corpses.

2. The murder scenes are much more elaborate, with more blood and more grotesque.

3. Never, under any circumstance, you assume that the murderer is dead.


In the third installment of Scream (Spoilers), Randy is killed, but records on a tape, which he has prepared for his friends in case of, the following rules, the Rules of the last installment of a trilogy (Surely the directors thought it would be the last installment, or they only wanted to make the fans believe):

1. The murderer will be practically superhuman and very difficult to kill.

2. Anyone can die, including the protagonist character, this case Sidney.

3. The past can return to destroy you. If there is something of the past you hide, it will explode in the face.


Scream 4 It came to light 11 years after the third, and therefore we can consider it a scream remake. And of course, they could not miss The rules of surviving a horror remake. But this time they are explained by young experts in the "modern cinema" and according to them these are the rules:

1. The unexpected is the new cliché, subverting the rules is common.

2. Shocking initial sequence and very striking video clipers. All scenes must be recorded.

3. The murders have to be much more extreme.

4. Never fuck the original.



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