These cats are not normal ... They are records of record!

Michis lovers know that all cats are different. Some more independent than others, some more affectionate than others, some more docile than others ... Some like to walk down the street, others like to drink water directly from the tap and even have those who like to carry the animals that hunt in front of their master. But at the end of the day all cats are moderately similar. Or we all think until we see some cats that circulate on the Internet due to their outstanding characteristics.

The biggest cat in the world



This is kefir. A priori might seem one more cat ... until you compare it with what you have around it. This friendly Russian Michi weighs 12.5 kilos and measures a meter and a half long. Its owner, Yulia, affirms that its neighbors confuse it with a dog or a lynx due to its enormous size. Although later, he says, he behaves like a affectionate and nice puppy with almost all humans. The biggest problem lies in the fact that it is often not aware of its enormous size, which causes it to try to get into sites that are made for some cats ... but not for him.


The most impressive? He is barely 2 years old, and the cats of his race can grow up to 4 years, so it is not ruled out that he continues to grow. At this rhythm they will confuse him with a polar bear.




The ugliest cat in the world




All cats are pretty, right? This is Wilfred, a well -known cat on the Internet for its ... abstract beauty. Since becoming famous for his disturbing look, he has not stopped being recognized as the ugliest cat in the world. This Michi is English and has 6 years of life, and lives oblivious to its popularity as a affectionate and healthy kitten, according to its owners. The attraction for its eccentric face is such that it has begun to be profitable for these owners, with an Instragram account that kneads millions of followers.


If we are sincere, Wilfred is far from being the most beautiful cat we have ever seen. But still you can't say it is ugly. And it deserves the same love as any cat, although we would be afraid to find it down the street.




The longest cat in the world



Although it seems that the life expectancy of cats is almost the same for everyone, of course there are some exceptions. As the case of Samm, an Oregon kitten with a 26 -year -old a whop. Its owners adopted it in 2002, but it has not been until recently that they have discovered that their age could be around that figure. They immediately contacted the Guinness World Records to verify that it is the longest -lived cat. Although it is still far from the longest ever registered, which was 37 years old.


According to his veterinarian, he enjoys quite good health, although he often behaves like an arisk and lonely grandfather. And from here we expect Samm to live many more years and leave the ribbon of the record very high.


The most beautiful cat in the world



Poor Wilfred's counterpart could be Coby. He is a sweet and mimous kitten of 7 years old lives in California and surely has one of the most impressive faces of his species. And how could it be otherwise, it is a superstar on the Internet. According to its owners, it is a very peaceful and affectionate cat with everyone, and gets great with children and even dogs. And attracts the looks of everything with whom he crosses with those deep celestial eyes.


If it is not the most beautiful cat that exists, it must walk close. It almost looks like a lie. He has left us dazzled.


So far some of the most exotic cats that our eyes have seen. It is not good to compare cats, they are all pretty and deserving of our love. But even so, these cats are deserving of the attention they attract. If you are a fan of cats, we have the best designs in cat t -shirts In our catalog. Long life to the Michis!


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