Game of Thrones is a series created by HBO and based on the book saga of the American writer George R.R Martin. Although surely you already knew that. Its success was huge, making it one of the most viewed series in history and one of the most viral phenomena that are remembered. And you knew that too. What you may not know is that the literary saga known as "Ice and Fire Song", which is based on the original series is only one of the products that make up this literary universe. There is a book-recopilatory of stories known as the gentleman of the seven kingdoms, which serves as an anthology to explain and expand the universe. And there is also a novel that acts as a prequel and that lately is very fashionable: it is fire and blood, a story focused on the Targaryen house during the time of his reign on the west. A novel that we have been waiting for its adaptation to the small screen for many months, specifically since HBO announced it in April 2021 with the name of the Dragon House (in English House of the Dragon). Now, with the first chapters already released, we tell you what to expect from this series and why you should see it if you are a fan of the original series.
Two hundred years before the beginning of the history of the first novel known as "Game of Thrones", the history of Poniente was very different. Robert Baratheon was not born, and therefore, the rebellion that would end the Targaryen reign was still far from starting. The monarch of the seven kingdoms is Jaehaeys I, grandson of the legendary aegon and who conquered the seven kingdoms and unified them under his command. The King, old man and devoid of a direct heir with which to continue his legacy, brings together the Council (formed by the Lords of Poniente) to help him choose between his grandson Viserys and his granddaughter Rhaenys. After the vote, Viserys is chosen and it is right there when the plot begins. At this time, the Targaryen were invincible. His reign was supported by the legend of Aegon the conqueror, which unified the kingdom and, above all, by the dragons. 10 adult and powerful dragons ruled with them the entire territory of west, imposing a terror that made them untouchable. This is precisely the main element of the series, since the Targaryen face the only threat that can face them: they themselves. The reign of Viserys I and the (again) election of a successor will cause great tremors on the foundations of its empire, caused by hidden aspirations, revenge and betrayals, without revealing secrets and perhaps also a bit for that gene of madness that drags the family.
The first chapters have an impeccable invoice. The scenarios, the costumes, the characterization and the special effects are at least at the last level of the last episodes of the Game of Thrones, when the budget and the renown of the franchise was on its cusp. Attention to detail is incredible and the effort to maintain a level that in itself does not seem easy. The actors look amazing, with a spectacular charisma and a characterization that leaves everyone satisfied, you have read the novel or not.
As for what to expect, I think it is necessary to warn that this is not a game of thrones. His invoice is almost identical, his way of telling the stories is also similar. But his rhythm is another and his story as well. Its producers define it as “Succession in Game of Thrones”, so we can expect a less adventure and more political, deep and slow series where the development of the characters will reside more in the courts than in the battlefields. But that does not mean that there will be no action ... It is advisable to have average expectations and enjoy the series without waiting for it to be exponentially better than its sequel.
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All chapters are broadcast on HBO Max on Tuesdays, so be well in mind to see them quickly before some spoiler sides. And if you are a fan of Game of Thrones, in Fearn we have the best Thrones game parody designs so you can show the world that "the night is long and houses horrors."