This is the complete chronology of Star Wars movies

The universe Star Wars He arrived at the cinema in 1977 with A new hope, and since then there have been nine episodes, plus a series of parallel stories (spin-off) that do not enter the main plot but are part of the series Star Wars Anthology. That is why today we are going to make a complete chronology of the Timeline that movies follow Star Wars.

Although the first films were made Star Wars, in the eighties, these began by chapter 4 of the series. It was later, in 1999, with The ghost threat, when the plot of the saga really begins. That is, although in real time the films begin with Luke Skywalker, the first film in chronological order according to the story would be the ghost threat, in which we see Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) as a child. And so on. Now we show you:

1. Han Solo: A Star Wars story

In film he focuses on the character of Han Solo aboard the millenary Falcon, in which he faces a series of adventures in the criminal underworld in which he moves. Here we know the history of friendship with Chewbacca. The events develop a few years before he only knew Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi in a new hope.

2. Star Wars: Episode I - The Ghost Threat

Here we meet Anakin Skywalker from his childhood, when he tries to be recruited as Jedi. We will also see a young Obi-Wan Kenobi who is still apprentice.


3. Star Wars: Episode II - The attack of the clones

Already in this movie we begin to glimpse the dark side that grows in the young Anakin Skywalker following a series of events that assault it. He also falls in love with Padme Amidala, Leia's future mother and Luke Skywalker.


4. Star Wars: Episode III - The Revenge of the Sith

This is the third film of the series produced in the 2000, in which we see the conversion of Anakin Skywalker in Darth Vader, its passage to the dark side and the break with the Jedi.


5. Rogue One: A Star Wars story

This film that came out in 2016 links with the two series of three films that occurred at different times in time. The construction of the famous death star has, and the emergence and empowerment of the rebellion that faces Darth Vader


6. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

It was the first film to premiere in a movie theater in 1977. In it we know Luke Skywalker, an old Obi-Wan Kenobi to which Leia goes and have only joins the mixture. We will also know who those rebels who gave their lives are for the plans of the death star.


7. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Contracts

Luke continues to train to be Caballero Jedi with Yoda as his teacher. And we finally know the true identity of Darth Vader.


8. Star Wars: Episode VI - The Return of Jedi

It is the last film that will end the Empire and its Emperor Darth Vader.


9. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

This installment came in 2015 to return the Star Wars universe. Many years have passed since the events that were lived in the return of the Jedi, now we find the evil first order and a second most deadly death star.


10. Star Wars: the last Jedi

Rey will be trained as Jedi by Luke Skywalker, although without much success. The connection between King and Kylo Ren is growing and will lead to many unimaginable dangers.


11. Star Wars: Skywalker's rise

What remains of the resistance faces the first order, and King, Finn, Poe and the rest of the heroes will have to succeed and end evil in the galaxy or die finally King will know who their parents were.


Here the story of Star Wars ends at the moment, although not the series, since spin-offs and complementary stories of this mythical galactic plot will continue. We hope that this chronology has served you to put some order in your heads, and I have convinced you to see them all again!


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