Although it is true that fashion is a very abstract thing and everyone can dress in the way you like best without the opinion of other interferes with their comfort, there are always people who get carried away more by seasonal trends.
There are many styles when dressing (casual, sport, classic, sophisticated ...), and these styles define part of the personality of the person. Therefore, there are people who take their way of dressing very seriously and have a very defined style.
You probably have ever asked your parents or friends, if what you had chosen was fine or if the two colors you were going to use combined well, because you do not want to carry an outfit that makes you be ridiculous.
Today we want to leave you some guides in case you find a day alone at home and you have a doubt when preparing a good outfit or you do not know which shirt you combine better with the pants you have chosen.
First, we must take into account color theory, don't you know what it is? We explain it to you:
In the chromatic circle there are warm and cold colors, as we can see in the image. It is true that there are also neutral colors, which are black and white, although gray tones, beiges, creams ... are also considered neutral colors.
When combining colors, we have two possibilities:
- monochromatic: The monochromatic palette is a palette that contains more or less intense colors but always starting from a main color. For example, combine brown and beige or gray with black.
- contrast: If you are a riskiest person, you can try to combine colors that are opposed in the color circle, such as pink and green, or blue with orange.
If you have already understood the color theory, let's move on to the following tips that will help you perfectly combine the colors of your shirts:
Red and blue: It is perhaps the most classic combination and which never goes out of style. We can find it in any garment.
Red and green: It is the star combination, and no, it is not only used at Christmas. A green suit with a red shirt can encourage you until the most gray day of the year.
Purple and yellow: It is a very elegant combination and favors people with dark hair.
Orange and blue: This is a high -risk combination, since you must be careful with the blue you choose. Our recommendation is that to combine these colors, use navy blue if you don't want to look like a fair clown.
However, if what you are looking for is to combine your basic shirts with another garment we leave you the following ideas to mount a good look.
The ideal and more classic casual look is to combine your Favorite T -shirt with a cowboy and some shoes. It is an outfit that never fails and that you can also give a special touch if you use a daring silhouette for your jeans or bet on original shoes.
One of the stars combinations is to combine a shirt with a bib, the spring garment par excellence. It is a combination that gives a lot of play and also adds a casual touch. We recommend using a striped shirt for this combination and enhancing that cool style of the 90s.
Another of the combinations that never fails is a good Basic t -shirt with a patterned skirt. It is a good way to give prominence to that skirt in our look. However, you can also invest the situation and wear a basic skirt with a stamped shirt, which would also give a good result.
Finally, we understand the problem that many people face when combining color pants with a shirt, so we are going to leave you the best combinations we know so you don't have to ask anyone if you are going well.
The easiest and most better combination is the White and black. Therefore, do not hesitate to carry the top in one of them and the one below the opposite. If you are looking for something more color in this look, you can try to put some complement in brown.
Another of the combinations that we like most is the Gray pants with a white shirt. This look can be used for all kinds of occasions, both to go for a drink with your friends, and for an event wearing a gray suit and a white shirt.
Finally, one of the most basic looks but at the same time never fails is the compound of a black pants and a dark gray t -shirt. If you want to wear it more currently you can try to put the shirt inside and wear slightly frayed pants below. This is undoubtedly one of our favorite outfits.
And if you have many t -shirts that occupy you a lot of space, we leave you an extra advice on how to fold t -shirts and thus be able to store them easily:
- One of the most comfortable ways in Marie Kondo's method, which consists of folding the shirts in thirds from the right and the left to the center, with the manga for outside, thus creating a perfect rectangle that we will in turn fold as a package from the bottom to the top.
- If you have to go on a trip and want everything to enter the suitcase perfectly, we will place two or three garments one on top of the other and we will make a hem with all of them, then you only have to roll them so that a perfect tube is left and thus save space.
We hope that these tips help you if you are ever found in a hurry when it comes to mounting a good look and you don't know how to combine clothes. In our catalog we have original t -shirts They can help you form the most fun and surprising outfit.