All fans of Pokémon We have seen how the coaches care more about their own pokemons than themselves. Cereals, berries, vitamins, etc. But very few know what the protagonist's preferences are Pikachu.
The truth is that if something should be included in the diet of any Pokémon is sugar. His high levels of glucose levels in the fighting make it the necessary component in each meal. Hence their love for chocolate and cakes that drive them crazy. In our catalog of Pikachu T -shirt You can find our friend with several very fun parodies.
The bonguris, a fruit of the Johto region, is also part of the diet of the pokemons that, together with the berries, provide them with the necessary vitamins for the day to day. On the other hand, the pokemons of electric type As Pikachu, they are characterized by consuming energy, hence they can recover with electric shocks. Something that does not fill their stomach but that helps them recharge to continue the day.
Specifically, our friend likes a food above all these exposed so far. It is about Ketchup. Yes, from ketchup. Pikachu's favorite sauce and that you cannot miss when a whim is given.
In fact, on more than one occasion we have seen the tears of our nice friend fall when he ran out of his favorite sauce. What a real penalty. He does not necessarily need to combine it with spaghetti, he simply uses him to have the boat in his hands to enjoy.
If you liked this news, you will love our best parodies in Pikachu t -shirts.