If you are a lover of Harry Potter or of Fantastic animals Surely you know this movie. At least that, you know her. Another thing is that you have seen it. But don't worry, here are we to tell you what the 33 minutes of this short film are going ‘Fanmade’.
The truth is that perhaps a bit unnoticed having been created by fans or by the simple reason that it is not part of the saga officially. A fact that removed merit but that should not underestimate this meritorious creation. The film was directed by Joris Faucon Grimaud and played by Maxnce Danet as Lord Voldemort or, better known in the magical world as The dark lord.
The story develops in Gaunt house, where Voldemort's lineage originated, and is based on the novel of "The mestizo prince". As can be intuit, the story revolves around Tom Ryddle and on the horrochxes that appear during THE ORDER OF THE FENIX and Death relics.
The only stone on the road is that the film does not offer dubbing. The tape is recorded in French and there is only the possibility of putting subtitles, something that is not at all evil since it would not be the first time we do it, especially with the anime.
The delivery had been making 3 years and finally saw the light on May 29 of this year thanks to its 80 volunteers who wanted to participate in it. Without a doubt, an example of the power that the fan can have when creating their own project.
Another of these examples was the movie, also ‘FANMADE’They dared to make Italian fans titling it "Voldemort: the origins of the heir." An unofficial tape that premiered in 2018, reaching in the first two days the 30 million views and revolves around the rise of Tom Ryddle to power, before being appointed as the Dark Lord.
It could be said that it is the sequel to this latest installment ‘fanmade’ if we wanted to make a basic chronology based on this world that could be classified as independent to the original canon of Harry Potter created by J.K. Rowling.
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