Why charm success

A few months ago it was released Charm In cinemas and through the Disney+platform, the latest animation project of the producer Walt Disney Animation, and in his first weekend he raised 40.6 million dollars. Why has this film been so successful? Then we tell you all the keys.



Disney always triumphs with its films, among other things, because it covers a very large audience spectrum: The children. If we realize, Walt Disney Animation is the only producer that is currently dedicated to children's cinema; Almost all, if not all, the films that are released in the cinema for the little ones are produced by them. That explains that when the box office collections take a new delivery, they rise like the foam.

Even so, there are some films that stand out above others and make a hole in the Hall of Fame of animation films, as has been the case of Coco, Mohana either Frozen, which have been the most popular for a few years. Charm It is on its way to being part of this Hall of Fame, because there is no talk of anything other lately than of the Scenes, colors, stories and songs They wrap the movie. A film that hides, as always, a deep message and a inner drama.

Charm places us in the "cottage", a family house created by the magic and endowed with their own personality, in which the Madrigal family lives. All family members have a magical gift, well, all but the young woman Mirabel. One day, magic begins to run out without any explanation, so Mirabel decides to use her perseverance to save the magic; Although he does not know very well how to do it, little by little he will end up wrapped in a great adventure that will demand the best of her.



The film is framed in a rural, folk and timeless Colombia, reminiscent of Magic realism From Gabriel García Márq's workUZ, One hundred years of loneliness. Disney has been very careful to make a harmonious composition of Colombian culture and the work of its Summit author (García Márquez). And it is no accident that the scenario of the film resembles Macondo, the people on which the plot of One hundred years of loneliness, and whose history speaks of a Colombian family throughout many generations. Casualities do not exist, and Disney does not usually leave anything to chance; This production has been carefully created to become a tribute to the magical realism of the Colombian author awarded with the Nobel Prize for Literature, and his land: Colombia.


So much so, that within the Disney production team it had a total of 10 cultural advisors, that were responsible for avoiding stereotyped images, typical of American films about other cultures. Alejandra Espinosa He was one of those cultural advisors, and tells how in 2017 he received the visit of some Walt Disney producers, including the charm director. Disney's "men" wanted to meet the people of Barichara, where Espinosa had moved a few years ago and had become a tourist guide. Since then his collaboration in the film was continued, it is even said that Madrigal's character is inspired by her.

Thus, Disney has been investing in research and development for more than five years to create this work of animation cinema that has had so much success. It is said that who sows harvest, and it seems that Disney has been in charge of sowing very very well and then reaping even better.


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