Why did Kishimoto extended so much Naruto?

Naruto is, without a doubt, one of the best anime that could be given between 2002 and 2017. The most hardworking and insistent ninja anime left its mark on the generations born in the 90 'and 00', extending in such a way that until the end of the series only the most faithful were left.

Not all who began to live Naruto's adventures were able to continue until the end, because his series was extended to 720 episodes, adding the original series Naruto (220 episodes) and the sequel, Naruto Shippuden (500). However, the striking for the anime follower was not the number of chapters, which could have tired of any impatient, but the amount of filling episodes and adventurillas that do not end up fitting in the anime, better known as Plot-Holes. This ended up nickname the series with the name ‘Relleruto’.

That aspect is the most criticized by fans, who do not explain why there were so many laps to a story that could have ended much earlier and, consequently, to have managed to hook the entire initial audience until the end.

Many think that it responds to economic issues, since the anime was so successful that the author knew that the most faithful to the series were going to stay until the end, whatever happened. It is not yet understood how so many questions could be left after that excess chapters. How did the first Hokage die? What happened to the powerful clan of the Senju? Many issues and theories are still in the head of the otakus and not so otakus, but if you are one of them we believe you should go through our catalog to see our latest collection of Naruto t -shirts and better cope with that bad taste in the mouth

The truth is that Khisimoto confessed that he did not expect the series to be so long or be so successful as it was. Therefore, on more than one occasion he drowned to have so much information, improvising and finishing a project that could be more direct.

Even so, Naruto loves and we would like that, if you have not seen it, you will give you a chance because you are going to laugh, you will have the tension you need in your body of a ninja series and, above all, you will not regret spending 20 minutes every day. In addition, if you liked this type of classic series of your childhood, you are in the ideal place to see our collection of anime t -shirts among which, of course, there are many of its protagonists.



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